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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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This page, the Bios page, serves as the repository for the bios of all of the official pilots and other important characters of Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero. All of the characters that have come out of our members are here for the public to see and consult as they please.

Registered Pilots:
Addelo Black | Aika | Alexander Luceren | Alex Durkia | Alexander Korimeer | Amarant Pri | Arkalisythnine Morning | Cain Iscariot | Cyfer Fargonian | Derek N. Ashbough | Distor Centura | Enzo LeBrun | Fenin Jacobs | Fintan Neit | Fore Loren | Hayashi Kyosuke | Ian Kestral | Jeff Magnum | Jonny Anden | Justin Kirimoto | Kalmora Horizont | Keith Richards | Kelly Suzumiya | Kyo Idako | Majin Delune | Mason Vauxnn | Nataye Tonan | Neo Blackheart | Nikeo Neit | Noi Yonne | Nolan Hughes | Pacchiri Elexandria | Polly Peterson | Regina McMahon | Ryan SunGem | Sal Vincearo | Shikyo Yaiba | Sigma Serari | Steven Manatori | Takashi Takano | Weylin Flynn | Zechariah Robertson

Other Characters:
Fredrick Coulston | Halen