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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Jonny "Killjoy" Anden
Board Name: Jonny Anden
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 17
Zoids: Blade Liger & Iron Kong
AIM Screenname: I Am Jonny
Referred By: Enzo

Jonny's medium to long black hair is usually in no particular fashion just, kinda there like he had just woken up. He has dark black eyes, and is usually wearing a pair of old pilot goggles around his forehead. He usually wears a tight black tank top, and a pair of jeans usually with rips in them from odd jobs around the shop, when working in a mechanic shop rips happen. He also has a pair of "lucky" red sneakers that he won't pilot his Zoids without. Really they're not lucky but red is his favorite color so he calls them lucky just cause he wishes they were.

Working as an apprentice mechanic since he was old enough to help has made its mark upon his appearance. He weighs about two hundred pounds and is almost six feet tall. most of his body mass is muscle from moving, shifting, arranging, and installing heavy Zoid parts. He is also very tan from working out in the hot desert sun. Minor scars from foolishness while installing Zoid parts or in everyday life cover his hands, up his forearms and across his lower legs.

Jonny is fun loving, playful, and in a scene childish at heart. Although working in a mechanic shop has taught him discipline, and to be calm when needed he often is not. The people around him have tried to calm his childish behavior but it seems impossible. Along with his Childish sense of humor Jonny will often throw caution to the wind and go for an opportunity he sees fit to take, and this is were his lucky red shoes come into play. He loves to make jokes, he is always sarcastic, and even if you do manage to scare some fear into him he wont show it. He doesn't consider himself a "Bad guy" But he has never been afraid to break the law to get what he wants.

Nothing is know about Johnny up until he was about 5 years old and found by who he now calls his dad. although he isn't Jonny's real dad he's the closest Jonny has ever had to one. He was found wandering the streets of a large and busy city a mechanic by the name of Renzo was on a business trip picking up a large order of parts that the company was unable to ship to him in time. Renzo found Jonny and tried for days to locate his parents, they were no where to be found. Renzo who really needed to get back to his shop to fill the orders on the parts he had picked up couldn't just leave Jonny on the streets again, and that was how Jonny came to be Renzo's son.

As Jonny grew older he wandered around the shop secretly, he was fascinated by the giant machines called Zoids. Although he was far too young for Renzo to allow him in the shop Jonny was constantly in and around the shop even resorting to peering in the windows after he had been caught and been made to leave the shop. The wondrous wold of Zoids had been opened to him like Pandora's box upon the world. He could not get enough of them. He dreamed of Zoid battles, and the life of a Pilot. It was at about this period in his life when he found the pilot goggles which were way to big for him, but he insisted on wearing them all the time. he would put them down around his eyes and act out the motions of piloting a zoid for hours on end, making the explosion sound effects and everything.

Finally the day came, on his tenth birthday his father invited Jonny into the shop because he needed an extra hand. Jonny and Renzo both knew it was just an excuse to let Jonny gasp in amazement at the enormous Zoids and watch as his dad repaired them, and modified them. Jonny was in heaven, and accompanied his dad to the shop for more "work" everyday. Jonny grew through the ranks from watching his dad to holding the tools to helping his dad do the actual repairs, and finally to repairing Zoids on his own. He then worked on Zoids with his father in the shop, he loved the feel of the accomplishment when he steps back and looks at what he had done, and he works on each of his projects like after he was done with the Zoid he would be receiving it as a gift.

A little after his sixteenth birthday Jonny saw it a fit time to set out and begin to make his own mark on this book called life. Since leaving he has not seen or heard from his father. He is now a drifting fighter in his Blade Liger making just enough to survive. He has a Iron Kong stored somewhere from when he was doing better, and on a whim decided to buy it. That was definitely not one of his better choices. He is now 17, and without a place to call his home, He hopes to find a new contract soon.