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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Halen
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 27
Zoids: Black Eagle (factional), Raynos
AIM Contact:
Forum Account: Halen
Referred By: No one (Founder)

Faction: Blackdust Mercenary Group
Rank: Commander of the Mercenary Group (CMG)
Unit: First Fighter Wing

Note: Halen is not a registered Zoid Pilot and cannot participate in sanctioned Zoid Battles.

Backstory and Description:

Character Description:
Though reclusive, Halen does occasionally emerge from the bowels of his precious Zoids or the Command Deck of the Dragon's Ante. When you do see him, you'd hardly think him to be a fighter pilot. Standing at 6'0" and heavily built, Halen is almost too large to fit into the cramped cockpit his Black Eagle or Raynos. He has plain brown eyes and matching hair, which is often tangled and disorderly from its time beneath a tight-fitting helmet. More often than not, Halen wears a gray shirt and hooded gray sweatshirt with green-gray pants when he's out of uniform. If in uniform, which is most of the time, he wears the standard officer's dress of a Blackdust Mercenary, complete with twelve stars and an eagle on either shoulder. In either garb, his belt has several pouches and two holsters. The obvious, exposed holster carries a stock semiautomatic .44 Blackdust Special, while a hidden holster in the back conceals a double-action six-shot revolver. The pouches contain a speed loader for his revolver, clips for the pistol, and several smoke grenades. Halen also sometimes throws in a concealed holster with a DP-84 Dart Pistol somewhere on his person. No matter where he is or what he is wearing, Halen always wears two dogtags underneath his shirt.

Though he can be a striking man in public, Halen is as often seen inside a cockpit than without. When he is ready to launch into the wild blue yonder, he is seen wearing a gray-black g-suit with a reflective black helmet and visor, oxygen mask snaking down from inside. He still has his belt, with both side-arms in their proper places. Before take-off, Halen always checks to verify that his dogtags are in their proper place, tucked inside his flight suit.

Character Personality:
Halen is a mysterious man to most of the world, and no one quite knows what to think of him. As of yet, no one has been able to dig up his past, or even his surname. If he has a last name, or even if "Halen" is his real first name isn't at all clear. However, Halen continues to go by his first name, with the titles of "Commander", "CMG", and occasionally "Skipper" appended to it by the various people he meets. Halen himself has proven to be a rather reclusive individual, but can still be relied up when there's something that needs to be done or a public statement that needs to be made. Those few who can profess to know him well say that's he's not that bad once you get to know him, but never talks about his past.

There's also extremely little known about CMG Halen's piloting ability. By pulling together the Blackdust essentially from scratch, Halen has proved to be a skilled administrator and manager. Interviews with his associates and fellow mercenaries indicate that he is also a competent tactician and strategist, but little is known thus far about his own prowess in the cockpit. There's no mention of him in any sanctioned Zoid Battling record or in any military profile. However, Halen has declared himself to be an "aerial combat specialist", and pilots only dedicated aerial Zoids. Whether or not Halen has even piloted a Zoid in a battle before is unknown, much like the rest of his personality and past.

Character History:
Little is known about CMG Halen's early years. His personal history in his Blackdust Mercenary profile is completely blank, as is his medical record and other standard background information. Commander Halen himself probably knows, but he doesn't seem to keen to tell anyone. Halen's known personal history begins with his attempts to form the Blackdust Mercenary group, working hand in hand with Kael Naras and Jack Sisco to pull the BDMG together. It seems that Halen handled the bulk of the administrative work, organizing the management of funds and construction of Blackdust Bay from scratch. Also, Halen is universally recognized as the original, founding member of the faction, which gives him the title of Commander of the Mercenary Group. Being equivalent in rank to the Commander in Chief in other factions, Halen's orders are final.

When the 'Bay was finally constructed, Halen got his hands dirty in every aspect of Blackdust operations, from designing structures and handling logistics to live-fire combat drills. He also been essential in pulling together the skilled staff that makes up Blackdust Mercenaries, and has taken personal control of the elite Black Eagles -- the First Fighter Wing. Though there is no documented case of Halen ever so much as flown a combat mission, Halen often takes out his Black Eagle, the Thunder Hawk, for practice flights. Also, during simulated briefings and combat scenarios, certain Black Eagles have remarked that he "really knows his stuff."

However, CMG Halen's rank and unique position has generated a name for him more than speculation about his piloting skills. Overseas, CMG Halen is the person most commonly associated with Blackdust Bay. He’s the man who put the Blackdust Mercenary Group together, and he’ll probably stick with the group for his entire life. To fight the Blackdust Mercenaries, you'll have to put your wits and guns up against his, and if his reputation can be considered factual, that's no joke.

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