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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Character Name: Kelly Suzumiya
Board Name: Suzumiya
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Zoids: Lightning Saix, Dead Border
AIM Screenname: Suzumiya49
Referred By: Kyo Idako(Erock)

Character Description and History:
Kelly stands about 5’6”. She has a rather slimming figure, weighing 105 pounds. She is very athletic, shown by her rather impressive agility. Kelly has a nice tan, and generally loves the outdoors, and all it has to offer. In warm weather, she is most often seen in a tank-top or t-shirt, and a skirt, or shorts. Colder temperatures demand long sleeved shirts or a sweatshirt, and pants.

Kelly has been known to be a bit flirtatious, although she is generally just enthusiastic; in short, she is friendly, and loves to make friends. Kelly adores felines, whether they be zoids or a pet kitty. In fact, she has a kitty of her own, named Gus that she frequently hangs out with. On the subject of zoid choices, Kelly admittedly has a trigger finger, and therefore, loves any zoid with guns to spare.

Kelly grew up in a nice little home. Her parents had decent jobs, and they made enough money to live a happy life, and then some. Her father being a correspondent for the ZBC, and her mother a doctor; it is easy to see how they lived. She was basically spoiled, for the better part of her life. Being athletic only really added to her ego, but she was surprisingly not-snobby. This was where she differed from her parents. Although she was rich, she tried as hard as she could to be friendly to everyone. Everyone, meaning anyone she met, until they gave her a reason to do otherwise.

The sports she was in really controlled a good portion of her life, and she didn’t mind it so much, for a while. Constantly travelling, meant she met more people, and she saw competition as a way of breaking the ice, so to speak. It was after her years in high school, that she began to look for other things to add to her metaphorical resume. She attempted video games, but that didn’t last long, as there wasn’t much moving to do. She attempted gardening, which fell to the same fate as video games. Then, she was introduced to zoid battling, while watching TV. Sure, she had heard of it, but never paid much attention to it.

She confronted her parents, and with little effort, convinced them that she needed a new hobby; that being zoids. She study up on the subject a little, and then bought a Lightning Saix. Why? Because it was of the feline variety, and its agility resembled hers; in ratio, of course. And then she saw the destructive firepower of the Dead Border in a Circuit battle, and was hooked. She bought one the next day.

After a bit of using the Dead Border, Kelly found that it was too bulky, and not manueverable enough, and she really wanted to find something that would be more of a challenge to pilot, and fight with. Maybe a…Cannonfort? It was hard to say.