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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Kyo Idako
Board Name: Erock
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Zoids: “Redline” the Blade Liger, “Pollo” the Redler
AIM Screenname: erocb88
Referred By: Kestral
Character Description and History:
Personality: A happy-go-lucky guy, Kyo is hardly ever down, and it usually takes quite the effort to get him down. This could be because is living a life of battling zoids, in which, he enjoys every aspect, every point, of zoid battling, or it may be that he hasn’t had any misfortunate tragedies in his lifetime.
Description: Standing 5'11" Kyo is a medium built, rather skinny boy. Weighing in at 160lbs. he is as healthy as could be. He usually wears jeans, usually stained from oil, dirt, etc. He tends to where a t-shirt, which is usually covered by a jacket, unless temperatures are hot. The boy has no scars as of yet, and he likes that. Kyo's skin is a tan color, due to his love for the outdoors. A blue-eyed boy, Kyo's face is seen with a smile on, save for rare occasions where a smile would be down right awful. These occasions...Kyo tries to stay away from. His head is a mess of untidy hair, that, in looks, is spikey-ish. Kyo dons a slim face, including a narrow chin, and a slick grin. His hands are the rugged, and scraped hands of a mechanic. Around his neck hangs the dog tags of Kyo’s father.
History: In a quiet little village in the region that would become the Republic, a boy was born. Kyo was fathered by Kedo Idako, a rather talented zoid pilot, who dubbed himself the 'White Lightning,' for his amazing speeds within his white Lightning Saix. In his early years, Kyo had no care in the world, spending most of his time reading his several picture books. He was always told that his father was amazing in a zoid, but he never actually got to witness his father’s greatness, that is, until his twelfth year of life.

On a normal day, Kyo was helping his mother with chores, when their little town was attacked by the original Backdraft. It all happened at a rather fast rate, and all Kyo remembers seeing is ten or so zoids ravage the town, while about five zoids defend it, one being his father. His father was easy to spot because his Saix’s color stuck out. Kyo was amazed at how his father piloted, and was aw-struck at the damage he was doing. Then, while he had the Saix topped out, a distant Gun Sniper took out the Saix’s leg, and down went Kyo’s father, or rather, up, down, and all around, as his zoid bounced from the speed it was traveling. It ended up colliding with the enemy zoids, and somehow, the cockpit of the Saix was smashed, and Kyo’s father injured. Injured to the point where he couldn’t pilot anymore, Kyo’s father was honorably discharged from the town’s militia.

That solemn event sparked a fascination within Kyo, but also, a fear was born. Kyo grew attached to the readings of zoids: mechanics, strategies, controls, anything about zoids. This was, of course, all he could do with his fascination, at his age. At 16, he found a part-time job working at for a scrap dealer, and saved his money, bided his time, and waited for his chance to become a pilot. By his 18th birthday, Kyo had saved enough money for…half a zoid. He gave explanations, and begged his parents for the extra money, and after a few weeks, they were convinced. Kyo was now the proud owner of a new Blade Liger. Kyo’s father hoped for his son to have the same piloting skill as him some day.