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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Regina "Gina" McMahon
Board Name: Gina McMahon
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 19
Zoids: Konig Wolf, Gun Sniper
AIM Screenname: NeverScreamWolf

Character Description: Regina (though if you call her by her full name, be prepared to recieve a hot lead bullet to the brain) is about 5'6" and weighs around 130 pounds. Her build is lean and strong, and she has shoulder-length, dark orange hair with a slight natural curl and emerald green eyes. She prefers to wear army green tank-tops and camo fatigue pants with sturdy, well-worn combat boots, but jeans and T-Shirts are not out of the question when in more civilized settings like cities and bars. In combat, she tends to wear a full uniform, complete with a kevlar vest to protect vital things. With her, she always carries a sniper rifle with her, a definite custom piece that looks like it may or may not have used an M95 as a base, but whose different component parts can't really be told as being from any one specific gun, and is semi-automatic. It does, however, feature a laser sight and a digital zoom scope, along with a few other modifications that probably came from the black market.

Personality-wise, Gina's equal parts sassy and bossy, with a touch of superiority complex, though only when she's really irritated. She's rather outgoing, loves meeting people and friends, and is always willing to talk to people. But she's also got a serious side that usually comes out in the heat of battle or when speaking of her past. But she tries to be optimistic even when she isn't in the most up and up of moods.

She was born to a small mercenary company comprised of about two dozen well-armed men and women with about ten Zoids between them, fighting a losing battle deep in the forests of the Eastern Continent. Growing up, she was taught how to fire a gun as soon as she could walk, taught the basics of hand-to-hand combat in a mish-mash of at least four different martial arts as soon as she turned 6, and though she never really saw combat with them, she did help the group out by watching over their base of operations, and occasionally, their prisoners. On the firing ranges and in practice, she began to show great talent with accuracy, especially at distance, and the mercenary group, impressed, gave her a sniper rifle and began to train her with that. Her father was killed around the time she was 13, he was one of the few Zoid pilots in the group. Though she was barely tall enough to reach the pedals, the mercenaries began training her on her father's Zoid, an old green Gun Sniper, and before long, though she was incredibly young and highly inexperienced, she was using it to protect the base and, in the most simple of small skirmishes, support the group from a sniper's distance away. At 16, when the mercenaries' contract to the group they were fighting for finally ran out, she and her mother left the mercenary company (and as a parting gift, they gave her the sniper rifle) to try to start a better life, though they would never be able to stray too far from battle, as they would find. The whole world was war-torn and chaotic, and though they eventually settled into a tiny town in the far north of the Eastern Continent, Gina once again found the song of battle calling to her, and so on her 19th birthday she took her father's old Gun Sniper, her old sniper rifle from the merc company days, and began traveling toward the nearest big city to be registered as a Zoid pilot, to fight for fame and glory, rather than just money. Along the way, she was attacked by a badly damaged Konig Wolf, and after a long fight, managed to put it down. But though she tried to go on, she found it hard to just leave the Wolf as it was, though she wasn't sure where the sudden compassion came from. She took a detour into a nearby town with a transport Zoid and a mechanic's shop and paid for them to come out and fix the Konig Wolf up. It took a long time, and Gina had to help the mechanic (though she only knew a little about fixing Zoids), but eventually the Konig was good as new. She tried to let it back out to the wild, but it wasn't allowing her, and eventually ended up following her halfway across the continent, and when she finally did put in for her application to the Zoids registered pilot arena, she added the Konig Wolf on her list of Zoids.