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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Distor Centura
Board Name: Distor Centura
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 25
Zoids: Deadborder, Gun Sniper
Referred by: Fenin Jacobs

Description: Standing at roughly 5’10”, Distor is on the rather lanky side, despite his attempts to make himself look slightly more muscular. His black hair has a tendancy to spike up all over the place, while the to the side of his head, his hair slowly seems to stubbornly point downwards, shimmering as if he had to use water to make sure his hair was not all over the place. He has a habit of streaking his hair, from white, to red, to blue or orange, at a whim. Trademark thin glasses cover his blue-grey eyes, which tend to stand out against his mildly pale skin. He is of Caucasian appearance, and his grins seem to give someone the impression of a person that has attempted it all.

Distor has a rather large variety of clothes, all depending on the situation. There is of course the suit that is seen at the most formal (if illegal) of showings, but also does not cower away from casual wear. Naturally, he wears trousers, usually not torn if he can help it, any type of polo shirt, as he usually does not like to wear anything that stands out, as well as a dark blue jacket with black and red patterns stitched into it. He does prefer to wear some sort of trench coat when having to traverse the cold, and usually wearing joggers when he has the chance to, finding that the upper class of shoe tends to be rather uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Probably the only thing that someone could possibly recognize to be his would be the red and black sports bag with the emblem of a burning skull stitched into it.

Personality: Usually arrogant around most people, of course due to his lifestyle, his also is rather secretive about most of his doings, and is reluctant to give away any of his personal information unless he really has to. His outer appearance tends to be calm and collected, even during life or death circumstances, and would rather come up with a plan instead of bull rushing a target…well, unless he has access to a large amount of weaponry, anyway. He has been slowly learning to develop a way of words, and when the time comes, he is more than capable of causing an argument; of course, this usually leads to him getting more attention than what he is comfortable dealing with.

That is of course, his average personality, the personality he uses for his true self. His dealings with people in the underground have caused him to come up with several aliases. In fact, he has never used his true identity in any sort of underworld dealings, either by going through third parties, or by changing his personality and his outward appearance altogether, disguising his face and body using several different methods, from dying hair, wearing a mask, to wearing extremely bulky clothing that hides his lanky build.

History: A thief, well-informed, psychotic, suicidal, low level criminal are some phrases used to describe some of Distor’s different aliases. In truth, no one is yet to figure out that many of these different people are in fact one person. It tends to help when several of those aliases seem to take interest in the doings of another. Not even Distor’s own family has managed to figure out that he has managed to get himself entrenched in several criminal activities.

In truth, Distor himself has forgotten how he first started out, most likely stumbling upon several websites detailing some of the more sinister activities that are quietly working away under the nose of law authority.

Distor’s aspirations have always eluded him. He grew up with a loving family, somewhat poor, and yet always managing to buy some of the top-of-the-line furniture and systems every so often. They never really pushed Distor into doing anything in particular either, something that might’ve been a prominent factor in Distor’s current career.

Both of his parents worked, his father as a politician for the local council, his mother usually working in some form of hospital. He also has two little sisters, both of which have a habit of causing a stink about whatever is happening in the world. To Distor, they truly do seem to be pacifistic, most likely to due their parent’s overprotective nature.

Distor did not know many of his more distant relations, many being overseas, or on the other side of the continent. Distor and his family had grown up in New Helic, and as such, paid quite a bit of attention to the worldwide affairs. Distor’s parents have been progressively growing more and more worried about the chaos that seems to have sprouted on other continents, especially the fighting between the Neo Backdraft, and the ZBC.

Distor led a life that most people would call normal. He managed to complete high school with different marks, but chose not to go on to any of the local universities or colleges. He made several friends, but has since lost contact with most of them, which of itself is probably normal as well. What Distor was far more interested was things that were behind the scenes, things that remained unannounced to the public.

At about nineteen, he was already an expert with computers, knowing how to get into computers that people had neglected to secure. Slowly but surely, over the next several years, Distor turned towards the criminal activities in the underground. He was smart enough to not ever with using his identity, and after creating one new alias, progressively created more, depending on what he wanted.

Distor is a person that some would call a freelance criminal of sorts. He was always on the lookout for work, joining up with small criminal groups for a short while, gaining some cash to live, and the occasional zoid heist or four. His skill with computers inadvertently helped him with creating programs specifically designed for the purposes of those that hired him.

The war between the ZBC and the Neo Backdraft group has always interested Distor. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more important things that were happening behind the scenes, information that the general public had no access to what-so-ever. With his numerous amounts of contacts in the underground, Distor is gearing himself up to try to establish a foothold in the political side of things, with some help from his father.

There was one mild problem. Having so many different aliases that he did, getting them into a position for him to get any sort of reasonable amount of information what so ever cause several people to figure out that several of those identities belong to Distor himself. It was not until yet another zoid heist allowed to him to procure two zoids that would’ve otherwise been behind due to certain restrictions. The money he had received was also just enough to fund his newfound career in zoid battling, and with any luck, would draw attention away from anything that may link up to the underground.

It is only now that Distor’s life would become for more interesting than it ever was before, of course, that relied on Distor managing to swim rather than sink in this almost new world.