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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Sigma Serari
Board Name: Sigma77
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Zoids: Shield Liger, Command Wolf
AIM Screenname: Siggy442
Referred By: Duo/Kestral

Character Description and History:
Sigma is 6'0". He has long brown hair, slightly curling at the tips. Part of his hair often seems to cover one eye. He has a dark complexion, his skin being tan all year long. His eyes are a emerald green. His clothing usually consists of a black or white undershirt, a green overshirt covering most of it. Around his neck is a golden necklace with a cross on it. He was wears worn jeans, enjoying the faded color as it makes his body look more rugid, worn, though one would notice they're also top brand. His shoes are an expensive Planet Zi brand, some of the more classy makes.
A superior acting pilot, he's fed up with the swarm of low talented pilots into the Zoid Battle Leagues. This is actually ironic, considering him just "officially" entered them himself. Nevertheless, he often acts like he's above those that haven't earned his respect. That, however, is not to say he's rude, but rather he emits a superior air about himself. In reality, he actually enjoys new talent, which leads one to think that he has much more experience than his age would express. So, while his attitude could be considered self-righteous, he's a kind man at heart, hidden behind his superior attitude and will to survive and win.
The first words out of Sigma's mouth were "Fuck, another one?"He also said them with an impecable Europan accent. Quite a feat for a baby of only nine months. Needless to say, his parents were quite stunned - his mother fainted. It's not an often talked about subject, though Sigma remembers it quite clearly, much to his own amusement. Early in his life, he proved to be the Zi equvilent of a genius, in class and in a zoid. He quickly put himself above most senior students when he accelerated quickly from school, being the youngest student in the history of the school to graduate at the age of 12. Often acting superior amoung his much older classmates, he was supposed to be the victim of much "bullying", or his educators suspected, only some worrying. When a 12 year old can correct your teaching at every step of the way, you tend to care less for the boy. This insight would prove to be false, however, as Sigma provided adept in another field - physique. While it wasn't normal, his body had built up layers of muscle, putting him on average, if not better than some of the school's top athletes, if not above them. Medical experts chalked it up to a physical "defect" that didn't inhibit the body's testorone level - Sigma could build muscle from the very day he was born, essentially. Mixed with yet another gift, this one for martial arts, Sigma's classmates found themselves hardpressed to actually do anything to the boy. He graduated without incident. Others, however, didn't. They recieved their diplomas in slings.
Zoid piloting, being a very common and enjoyable sport in the Common Era, was also a gift of Sigma. In his Junior year, the local ZBC Official came to teach the students how to pilot, as had started to be custom in the latest years. Several low level zoids were brought, though the Official himself brought a Shield Liger. The others happy with these mundane beasts of metal, Sigma asked if he could hop into the cockpit of the Shield. The instructor, impressed with the boy's level of intelligence and boldness in asking, decided to let him learn on it - with the Instructor in the backseat, of course. They began lessons with normal training exercises...which to Sigma proved to be mundane tasks unworthy of his attentions. Soon proving why when he opened up the Shield Liger into a display of feats the Official himself couldn't pulloff, the kid was allowed to be first in the practice matches. Needless to say, Sigma didn't lose that day - the Instructor wrote down his name and promised him a spot in the Battle Leagues the day he graduated. With only a yawn, as if he had done all of this before, Sigma accepted.
And that time has appeared. One can only ask if his skills will be what those have come to expect of him? Will he show up the compeition, or simply be blown away in the sands of time? Only one way to find out...