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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Enzo LeBrun
Board Name: Enzo LeBrun
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Zoids: Konig Wolf and Gun Sniper
AIM Screename: Enzo731
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Character Description and History:
Enzo is 6 feet tall and weighing in at 83kg. Although his size seems proportional his lower body has more strength than his upper body, his legs are toned but above the waist there is no sign of development of muscles, no muscle tone. His eyes are blue/green meaning during the night both eyes are blue but they change slightly to that during the day due to the reflection from the sun there is a hint of green apparent. He also has cappuccino brown hair slicked back with grease. He wears faded blue jeans with an oversized white hoodie. Running shoes are a must because they're all-round comfortable anywhere you go!

Enzo's personality is that he is an average Joe thinker, not an overachiever or an optimist, he makes calculated moves that don't involve high risk because he is scared of losing all that he has built for himself. His work ethic is that if you work hard and long hours you will go far in life because with all the money he's making he'll be able to live comfortably and be free from financial worries. The only socializing he gets is from the workplace, he's friendly with his workmates but he keeps the professional threshold in place because he does not want to get into any arguments. This can be further explicated by saying that Enzo on the outside has a strictly business attitude, but if another person takes time and effort to make Enzo feel comfortable around the person, and then Enzo would open up.

Growing up in a family of 5, Enzo being the middle child of the bunch between his two sisters, he was living an average life, throughout his childhood at school he would achieve no more than a B- and participated in the annual science fairs. After school he would head right back home without being distracted by whatever's going, on whether it is a pick up game at the park or going over to his friend's house to play video games and just hang around. Instead he would go home and lie down on his bed to read his collection of zoids magazines. His father subscribed him to a few because he thought it would be good enrichment for Enzo to learn about something cultural. Enzo not only enjoyed what he read but he memorized specifications about zoids, more specifically sniper-type zoids and flying zoids.

During high school his early years there were of no use to him. Once he turned 16 his father suggested to Enzo that he take some responsibility for his own decisions and way of spending money by getting a job, not a well paying one but one where Enzo can learn how to become more autonomous, so his parents made phone calls and managed to convince a zoids parts warehouse manager to hire Enzo as a stock boy or clerk. When Enzo wasn't at school he would be at work trying to make as much extra money as he can. His friends came and went because he could not make time for them because he would have work or was too tired to do anything from work. It hit him shortly that he had no goal for what to do with the money, he thought about it for a week while school and work flew by as it always did because if Enzo wasn't at school he would be at work, rarely spending time with his family. At work he stumbled upon an idea that would be his main focus, he thought that if he'd save up enough money from work and the little allowance he gets weekly, he can buy a zoid...even though you need a special pilots license to use one, he still wanted one so that he can call it his own, he'd think to himself during work when he had nothing to do about the first zoid he would get, whether it be a Sniper zoid, a Flyer, or a Melee Machine!

Once he graduated out of high school he focused all his attention on work and looking up information on how to become a zoid pilot, he'd go to the library on his rare breaks or spare time he had to read up on how to become a pilot and the How-To to zoid piloting. Currently at 21 he decides to apply to become a zoid pilot for reasons such that the winnings are larger than his monthly paycheck, it's a lot more exciting to be piloting a zoid and entering battles than sorting or stocking up zoids parts in a humongous warehouse.