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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Keith "Bandit" Richards
Board Name: Samuraibobx
Character Gender: M
Character Age: 35
Zoids: Helldiver, Red Horn
AIM Screenname: samuraibobx
Referred By: N/A

Character Description:
Keith has a fairly tanned and rugged looking complexion, with a large part of stubble adorning his jaw and chin. With rough brown unkempt hair and a slightly dead look in his blue eyes, he has the look of a drifter. His normal clothes are an old Imperial Army cap along with a Helic uniform heavily stitched together with pieces of Imperial battledress. He can also be found wearing an olive drab overcoat and crumpled fedora along with a ragged tan shirt and slacks, though usually when he wants to just not be bothered. A pair of broken and dusty black shades round out either wardrobe and doesn't do much to help him with the ladies. Though, most won't go near him anyways. Belted to his leg is a standard issue serrated combat knife along with a refurbished AMT Hardballer hand gun. If the situation warrants it, he has a Heckler and Koch G3 Battle rifle customized with a position for either a red dot sight or a sniper scope. He hasn't forgotten his military training, so the man is still in good shape and a fairly good marksman.

Character History:
Keith Howard is a man on a mission, or so it seems. From the earliest stages of his life, he was a wily little critter, always scampering around and doing whatnot. You could often find him running around the house, playing at “Hero” with a black cape and a pair of underwear over his head. This went for a good portion of his life until the age of 18 where he enlisted in the army. Initially everything seemed fine. Even despite battles and carnage, he seemed to be cheerful and mentally stable.

The man changed though, over time. Keith was dishonorably discharged after a fight with his fellow squad mates and with that, his naivety disappeared. The man became hardened and jaded, making off with a Helic Helldiver until he crashed in the desert, where he has hidden to this day. He exchanged his hero getup for an old amalgamation of Imperial and Helic uniforms and took to the deserts, where he began scraping a living off of raiding other people and generally acting out as a pseudo mercenary for hire. He managed to scrape together enough funds to have a decent sized pool and managed to refurbish an old Zenebras Red Horn along the way. Keith has lived this way ever since, appreciating life out in the open.