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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Nolan Hughes
Board Name:
Nolan Hughes
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 32
Zoids: Heldigunner and Shadow Fox
AIM Screenname: lightingalchemst
Referred By: Enzo LeBrun

Character Description and History:

Nolan would rather be with a zoid than other people. He keeps himself withdrawn and never gets very close to anybody because of his acts during a secret military contract. He is constantly being hunted so he is never in a town for more than a few months. Because of that he has given up hope in settling down to get married and have kids. Even though he has to deal with the sad fact that he may never have to stop moving around he accepts that fact and deals with it. His motto is take what ever life gives and throw it right back.

Physical Description: Nolan was roughly 6’5 weighed 210 pounds and has dirty blonde short spiked hair. He would prefer a pair of coveralls with the sleeves and the waist around his waist and a plain white t shirt over anything. His skin was often covered in grease after long hours tuning up zoids and all other equipment. he had bright blue eyes that made him stand out.

Nolan Hughes was born into a rich family on the planet ZI. Ever since he could remember he was taking apart anything he could get his hands on and put it back together twice as fast. he even went as far as completely dissecting his fathers prized Blade liger. Over time he became accustomed to large cat zoids. working on his fathers zoids always enraging him when he found out Nolan was severely punished he was forbidden to leave his room for days at a time but that didn’t stop him from escaping through a window or the crawl space. Every time he would escape his father would punish him more, Nolan would escape and the whole process over and over again. Even though his family was rich he never did fit in very well with his family. he was often referred to as the odd one out.
As a child Nolan was often found playing in the back alleys with the kids who lived in the area mainly know as the slums. Even though he was from whole different life style he wanted to be like them, he wanted to be normal and not have the weight of his class carried on his shoulders. He wanted to be normal. He would often disappear from his house on a daily basis to play with his friends. But a small group of the kids in that area were not very fond of him he was often getting into fights with those kids. The kids would taunt him because he was rich and push him in the mud, constantly tormenting him. he would always just take the blows and go home to heal. But one day while on his way home he noticed a bunch of the guys who had always tormented him, then he noticed something, a girl crying he quickly ran into the ally. The boys were taunting the girl playing keep away with her teddy bear. That day was the day that Nolan snapped, before he knew what he was doing he punched one of the two boys in the cheek, and sent blood spewing form the boys mouth. Once the other two boys realized what Nolan was doing then ran towards them and grabbed his and started to punch him in the gut. Nolan quickly threw them to the ground and Nolan begin to kick one in the stomach. he other boy got up and ran away and soon the other boys limped away. Nolan grabbed the girls teddy bear gave it to the little girl picked her up and took her home. Not a single word was said during the way home. After he dropped her off he went home to nurse his wounds. As he grew older his family tried to groom him into the respectable person his parents wanted him to be. He began to rebel against his parents, getting into more fights and grew farther and farther apart from his parents. His parents wanted him to attend a highly acclaimed finishing school were he would learn to be the proper man he was meant to be. He had all the money in the world but none of that mattered to Nolan he was happier than he had ever been when he noticed the local zoid repair shop needed an extra hand to help. He quickly accept the job and worked day and night on who’s eve zoid needed repairs. After a few years Nolan s reputation grew far and wide even though he was only 16 he was the best zoid mechanic in the area and possibly better than some of the mechanics at the ZBC
But fate is a funny thing, one day shortly after his 20th birthday ,on his way back home a man stopped him and asked him something he’d been waiting for all his life. The man was around 6’1 slim and muscular and had many scars on his arms from many years on the front lines. His name was Fenton Marxx. Fenton offered him a secret military contract to work on a zoid, the shadow fox. Of course he went and left his family, his friends and all of his old life behind him. He spent the next three days traveling to the secret research facility. Or so he thought.
when he arrived he was guided through the facility until they made it to the machine shop. The walls were covered with tool and hydraulic lifts. It was Paradise. he then spent the next two years building the shadow fox. And many other zoids for what he thinks to be a secret arms build up. Theres no harm in building a few zoids for defense. Then one day a man who he had been working with since he had been here asked to talk to him. They went to his personnel quarters and told him that the whole point of this project was to build a stealth zoid to attack ZBC centers and forts all around the planet ZI, he explains that Fenton was not a military but a Private army solider trying to restart the great war. The next day that man was gone. On the final day of production he was filled with sorrow, joy but an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. He wished he could go back in time and do it all over again. Over the last couple months he noticed that personnel were slowly disappearing from the facility with no explanation. Now there were practically nobody but him and a few people to help Nolan. Once he had finished installing the control cockpit several armed guards and Fenton walked up to him and started to tell him that he was never here and that the shadow fox was never built. Then it all clicked. He had to save the shadow fox. The two armed guards quickly grabbed him but Nolan knew better he quickly snapped the forearm of the man to his left and then delivered a quick knee to the other guards diaphragm knocking him unconscious possibly dead. He then grabbed Fenton and choked him into unconsciousness. he quickly ran to the machine shop strapped him self into the shadow fox and escaped into the endless forest surrounding the base. now at age 24 he fixes zoids and fights on the side for money.

Personal wepons:

Pocket welder: Like a metal pen that emits a small flame perfectly able to cut or slash.

Custom MP-5: Muzzle cover, Red dot scope, Tac grip, solid stock and Drum magazine. Worn on a sling.