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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Alex John Durkia
Board Name: Alex Durkia
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Zoids: Revenge Trap and Blade Liger
AIM Screenname: strangerfor
Referred By: Ufanier

Character Description and History
Alex was born into a 1 parent family, his mother killed when he was born. He always hated himself for killing his mother, not on purpose but in birth. His dad was a very good parent, dispite his lack of attention and his need to drink 70% alcohol on a regular basis, he loved Alex alot and would never get rid of him. Soon trouble erupted from Alex's boring life, when at 15 his dad was killed, shot in the head while traveling in one of their zoids, this prompted him to become a pilot, and find whoever did this.

Now 18 he was ready to move out, but recently most stores in their little town had shut down or been run out of business, not suitable for buisness he had a brilliant idea of becoming a zoid pilot, on his 18 birthday his uncle came from a far away city and gave him a nice stack of cash.

Soon he had their old Revenge Trap up and running, Alex brought the needed parts with some money his uncle had given him for a recent birthday, now known as a pretty good pilot he likes to battle some what. Soon after his piloting career had started, his father died. Leaving him with no parents or income, except for his zoid battles. This is how Alex Durkia became a pilot.

Description -

Alex looks like the regular run of the mill pilot, he has baggy cago pants, grey in color/colour. He wears a red T-shirt, generally tight around his semi built muscles, he has spiked up head hair and yellow glasses. Around his waist is a belt with a buckler made of gold, with stag horns imprinted on it. His pilot suit consists of a red and white stripped full suit, with a red and white helmet, his zoid colors are red and white also, bearing his family's color on basically everything he pilots.

When in general he weres loose clothes, generally not to rich like or too poor, just in the middle. Another set of clothes is a green top with white jeans and black shoes, this is for more of the 'rich' parties he may need to go too.