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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Addelo Black
Board Name: Addelo
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Zoids: Blade Liger and Shield Liger
AIM Screen name: addeloblack

Character Description:
Addelo is a tall six foot four inches, and weighs a muscular one hundred and fifty pounds. His entire body seems to be shrouded in darkness, but that’s only because of his clothes. Addelo has brown-black hair that is short and pushed back, giving the illusion that it’s spiked, and black-brown eyes that are set deep into his face beneath dark brown eyebrows. He prefers to keep his face clean-shaven and his jaw is sharp and angular. His entire face adds to the feeling of darkness that surrounds him.

Addelo wears a large collection of black articles of clothing. Usually a black shirt, black jeans, a black full-length jacket or hooded cloak, black boots, black socks and black glasses. He keeps a small necklace around his neck of a black wolf howling at the moon. It is extremely special to him as it was the only possession of his mothers he was able to keep.

He keeps a sword, with Gaelic carved into it, in a sheath on his back. The sheath is black and is also covered with Gaelic. The sword and sheath are family heirlooms promised to the second born son in the Black family. The Gaelic, roughly translated, means ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Which is what most of the Black men are, powerful and corrupted. He keeps a black blade along his left arm in a custom made black sheath that is almost the length of his forearm. Addelo also has a two .357 Desert Eagles in a double holster across his chest, under his jacket, and a .45 Colt in a holster on the small of his back. All three guns are black.

Addelo has a jagged knife scar down his left arm where his brother took a knife and tried to carve him like Christmas turkey. He also has a brand on his right shoulder that all Black men carry. A picture of a black hawk, the Black talisman, along with a brand on his right arm that he put there himself. A picture of a black wolf. The wolf is a representation of how Addelo moves. When he runs, he moves low and fast, like many predators. When he is simply walking, it is like the world parts before him, instead of his body parting the world.

Character Personality:
The words badass brooder come to mind. Addelo Black has the kind of personality that attracts trouble from everywhere he’s been and everywhere he’s going. He is a pain in the ass to all who are around him and his morals are at a minimum.

Even with Addelo’s vaguely screwed up history, he is a pretty nice guy. While he is not the giving to charity and volunteering his time to help plant trees or teach the handicapped how to yodel kind of guy, he is forgiving and friendly to those he believes he can trust on first instinct.

Addelo has a tendency to fade off in thought and not notice what’s going on around him. You could drop a bomb in his crotch and he wouldn’t notice. No one is really sure what he is thinking about during these times, not even Addelo. Whatever he is thinking about just disappears from his memory.

While Addelo has always interested people because of the little that they know about him, he has always been a loner of sorts. He will only keep a small circle of close friends wherever he goes. He feels uncomfortable in crowds. They make him feel paranoid and vulnerable….Just because he’s paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get him.

Character History:
Addelo was born with both a mother and a father, Michael and Sasha Black. He had a good life…for almost four years. When he was four, his mother and father had a fight. Sasha thought that Michael was raising Addelo and his brother Eli, too roughly. She said that she would leave and take the two of them with her; Michael told her she would do no such thing.

The next morning Sasha was gone and Addelo and Eli were still with Michael. Addelo has not seen Sasha since that night. The next time Addelo mentioned his mother, for some reason his brother went into a rage and, being the older of the two, beat Addelo bloody. Their father came out and knocked both of them to the ground. Sasha was never mentioned again.

Life moved on and Addelo started school. When he turned six and was tired of his brother being bigger and stronger than him, Addelo starting lifting his father’s weights. He would be stronger than his brother and wouldn’t have to put up with his shit any longer. He bulked up and ended up beating his brother down when he, on a fleeting occasion, said that their mother had abandoned them the first chance she got and was a bloody bit…Well that’s how far he got before Addelo started hitting him. Their father came out and, once again, knocked both of them down.

Finishing school at seventeen left Addelo with a choice. He could go off to college and get a job like his father wanted him to, or he could try to find out what happened to his mother. He chose to go after his mother, but how was he going to find her? He didn’t have too much money in the grand scheme of things, and his father wasn’t going to lend him any. How was he going to make it? He was contemplating this when an answer walked past his window. A Zoid.

He could start piloting Zoids, get some money together and go around looking for his mother. It was a perfect plan. Except for the fact that he knew almost nothing of Zoids, except that they were used in battles that you got money for if you won. So that’s what Addelo spent the next year doing, studying up on Zoids. Statistics, old battles, weapons, armour, upgrades and organiods. If there was a subject even remotely related to Zoids, he studied it.

Finally he caught a lucky break, his uncle Arthon was retiring from battling with Zoids with his Blade Liger, and knew of Addelo’s interest and even his true intentions. Arthon gave him the Liger as a birthday present….Though they both knew the true reason….Arthon missed his sister as much as Addelo….He would find her for them both….