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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Fore Loren
Board Name: ForeLoren
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 24
Zoids: Shadow Fox, Shield Liger
AIM Screenname: ForeLoren1
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Character Description and History:

Fore Loren stands at flat out, six-foot. He’s tall, lanky but yet has enough upper body strength to pilot a Zoid. He prefers quick Zoids that are good for melee. Melee is his thing. He usually wears a blue or black shirt, and a pair of jeans. He has dyed his hair black with red tips, and wears aesthetic contacts making his eyes a golden colour.

Fore’s original name was Nelin Loren, but he changed it himself at age eighteen. He lives in a small apartment on his own, and his parents live off miles away, he hasn’t spoken to them for a few years, but there was no fight or anything. He acquired his Zoids through money from his parents, who were relatively well off back when he was fifteen. With help, he built the body strength to begin running them through the countryside near his parents’ home.

As time progressed and his family went financially under, Fore began practicing different drills so as to assist him when he becomes an actual pilot.

He moved out of his parents’ home at sixteen, moved into the city into a small apartment and got jobs around town. Particularly, the last one he carried working as a chef in a restaurant. He’s an excellent cook, a side effect from hanging around the cook who his parents had hired for them when they were still rich and busy, and he still little.

His duty to himself is not to support his parents, but to support himself and never let happen to him what happened to his parents. He does his best to practice as often as he can and yet keep his neck above water until he becomes a registered pilot.

Other: He carries two knives on the inside of a small pouch on the inside of his pilot’s suit, and on the ankle is a holster holding a basic pistol.

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