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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Weylin ‘Fang’ Flynn
Board Name: IHuntMounties
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 28
Zoids: Konig Wolf, Shadow Fox
AIM Screenname: MountieHunter97
Referred By: Fore Loren

Character Description: Weylin stands at roughly 6’3”, weighing in at about 230 lbs. Crimson colored hair, unknown if it is actually natural to most of the world, flows down to his lower black in a very messy and untidy fashion. His eyes are a soft, dark green, and almost have a calming effect on those who look into them, set in a very relaxed light-skinned face. Weylin is fairly well-built, but his body retains a very high flexibility and agility. Weylin also has a goatee, as well as three rings piercing his right ear. On his back, he has a tattoo of a wolf howling, all in black.

Attire/Possessions: Weylin actually shifts between two general styles. Normally, Weylin wears a casual outfit, jeans, tee-shirt, sometimes a few more formal outfits, but generally normal clothing. Weylin also tends to wear a pair of glasses with the lens taken out. This serves as a disguise more than anything really, as does the pony-tail he tends to wear his hair in.
His second style is for fighting. The outfit he wears is a jet black spandex suit with body armor over it, along with matching gloves and steel-toed boots. There are areas on the suit to hold a sword and a sub-machine gun. The SMG is a simple uzi, while the sword is a simple blade with a handle, made so that is can be used to slash or thrust without any problem.
Weylin also owns a black motorcycle, which is his usual transportation, with a high-frequency chain-sword holstered on the right side.

Personality: Weylin, while around people in a normal situation, is a very sociable person, and gets along fairly well with others. In this state of mind, Weylin is actually fairly normal. However, he always seems happy while he is fighting. This is brought on by a condition he has called Bloodlust, which essentially causes him to seek fights, as it causes the greatest enjoyment for him.

History: Weylin was born in a fairly small city called Raven City in central Delphoi to parents whose names he cannot remember. Raven City was plagued with crimes and gangs, and was considered one of the worst places to live. When Weylin was young, he demonstrated some psychotic tendencies, and tended to get in fights very often with the kids, and hurt them fairly badly. Eventually, his parents got fed up with dealing with him, as they had very little money and even Weylin hadn’t been as he was, they would have trouble supporting him. When Weylin was roughly 7 years old, he was left in an alleyway in downtown Raven, with no way to support himself. For a time, Weylin had to rely on pick-pocketing and petty theft to get by.
A few months later, a strange middle-aged man discovered Weylin and informally adopted him as his own. This man’s name was Viktor Flynn. Viktor told Weylin that he knew about his condition, Bloodlust, and wish to teach him to harness this ‘blessing’ as he called it, and turn Weylin into a killing machine. Weylin did not know much about Viktor, but he knew he belonged to a rogue group of mercenaries called The Waking, dedicated to training young men into battle hardened soldiers. Viktor figured that if he was able to start at a very young age, he could create the perfect soldier.
For the next 20 years, Viktor put Weylin through the most intensive training ever conceived. However, despite the rough nature of the training, Weylin felt a strong connection towards Viktor, and by association, the Waking. At first, it started with mental training, and learning how to control the Bloodlust. Viktor was able to instill into Weylin the ability to completely mask his condition, and keep it under control until a battle was to begin. It then moved onto more physical training. Viktor taught Weylin the art of sword fighting, as well as the art of hand-to-hand combat. What made this training so painful is that Viktor did not hold back as he sparred with Weylin, and was cruel to him when he failed. Shortly after that, Viktor moved on to crafting Weylin’s body so it was at a physical prime for the type of work he would be commissioned to do later on. This was combined with gun-handling, among some other more minor abilities, such as vehicle control. All throughout his training, Weylin was also given a fairly decent education so that he could blend in with normal society. Eventually, Viktor finished training Weylin, and considered him a success.
After his completion of training, he was formerly inducted into The Waking as an agent. As an initiation, they branded him as a member with the tattoo on his back and gave him the name ‘Fang.’ It wasn’t long before they sent him off on a small-scale solo mission. When he returned from the mission, he arrived to a base with blood splattered all over the walls and bodies everywhere. Someone had eradicated the Waking. Weylin, as far as he knew, was the only member left. Knowing he could do nothing at this point, he packed up his things and left his now deserted home. However, before he left, he stocked up on a few weapons, such as the two swords and the SMG. He did this for his own protection, should anyone come looking for him. He also took one of the group’s motorcycles.
Weylin then fled Raven and headed to Astley. From there, he tried to lead a normal life. He got a fairly low-profile job as a security guard at a shopping center. However, this relatively peaceful life led to many resurgences of Bloodlust, and Weylin strained to keep it under control. Needing an outlet, he decided to get into Zoid battling. He could keep his new life, and hide his old one, while still getting the pleasure he desired. After a short time, Weylin received his piloting license, and was ready to join the fray, donning the pilot name of ‘Fang’.