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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Noi Yonne
Board Name: Noi Yonne
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 17
Zoids: Saber Lion & Blade Liger
AIM Screenname: az144mm
Referred By: Enzo LeBrun

Character Description and History:
Noi stands at 5'3" and weighs at 132 lbs. Despite her height/weight ratio, her body remains thin with obvious feminine features. An athletic build keeps her weight surprisingly high, for her appearance. Noi cuts her straight, dark blonde hair at chin length in a bob and styles her bangs with a fringe on one side of her face, sweeping to the other side. The girl's eyes are a deep blue. Her attire usually consists of more boyish clothing: Oversized button-ups instead of blouses, shorts instead of skirts, boots instead of sandals, etc. Although very physically able and trained in hand-to-hand combat, she sports a combat knife, holstered around her left lower-leg and a varying small firearm, holstered at her left hip. Noi is left-handed.


In a small, densely populated, and crime ridden city, the religion worshiping the "God of Zi" seemed to be the only thing keeping its residents together. Although robbery and murder were common, the city's residents still walked the streets to attend Church to hear the one who spoke of the Word of God, the Head Priest.

The Head Priest did not seem to be the typical priest. Unlike the stereotypical, elderly priest, this particular head priest was merely entering his middle age. To further break the stereotype, the Head Priest was well accustomed to fighting and hard physical labor, being a former boxer. He was a hard man with a soft heart, giving an infinite amount of time and patience to the residents of the .

One rainy evening, he made his way home, with a bag of groceries in one hand and an open umbrella in the other. He listened to the steady rhythm of the raindrops against his umbrella. Along his walk, though, the rhythm of the rain was broken by the scream of a young woman. Immediately, he dropped his umbrella and rushed toward the source of the sound. As he grew closer, he began to hear the sound of snickering men. He followed the sound, which travelled well away from the sidewalks, and into a dark alley. The Head Priest spotted a few hooligans surrounded a young woman.

"Hey you!" he yelled, while rushing over.

The punks knew exactly who he was and attempted to flee. However, the Head Priest stood in their way and easily beat them unconsious. The woman was left, laying on her side, wounded and beaten terribly. The Head Priest sat the young woman upward in his arms. The Head Priest held her gently, noticed the wounds, and said "Don't worry. I'll call an am-"

"Daughter..." she interrupted, very weak in voice.

"Daughter?" The Head Priest repeated.

"Noi... Yonne,,," she whispered, while lifting her arm up to point at a baby carriage, hidden in a shadowy area of the alleyway.

The Head Priest heard the cry of an infant, from the basket and immediately realized that this young woman was a young mother who hid her daughter to protect her from danger. While the Head Priest looked away for a moment, he noticed the young woman's arm fall limp. She had died in his arms. Gently, the Head Priest laid her onto her back, closed her eyes with a gentle hand and laid his coat over her face. The Head Priest called the police before walking over to the baby carriage and peeking inside. He looked hard at the infant inside, who was clutching a stuffed toy Liger Zero.

"Noi Yonne," he called, "Not making a sound, despite the danger... You'll grow up to be strong, just like your mother."

Years after the murder of zoid pilot Leona Yonne and the arrest of her assailants, the Head Priest stood behind a heavy bag, holding it taut for a young girl who was striking hard and fast with natural finesse. After a long stream of blows to the punching bag, the girl stopped and panted.

"That's enough, Noi," the Head Priest said, "You hit as hard as an ox, but your form's a bit off."

"Whaaat?" Noi whined, "You've gotta' be kidding me!"

The Head Priest repositioned himself for Noi to see him and the punching bag clearly.

"Watch," the Head Priest commanded, while getting into fighting stance. Suddenly, with the force and form of a well seasoned fighter, he struck the bag and busted it open with a single punch.

"Ah well. I guess it'll be a while before I'm nearly as strong as you," Noi admitted, while raising her arms in a shrug, "Anyway, am I done training for today?"

The Head Priest sighed and nodded. "Have fun with your zoids. You did earn them all on your own, after all."

"Awright!" Noi exclaimed, with fist in the air, before rushing outside into the sunlight.

"I guess there was no stopping her becoming a zoid pilot," the Head Priest mumbled to himself, while looking a newspaper clipping posted on the wall.

"Leona Yonne," he said, "I'll make sure that she's just as strong as you."