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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Fredrick Coulston
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 65
Zoids: None
AIM Contact: None (NPC)
Forum Account: None (NPC)
Referred By: No one (NPC)

Faction: Zoid Battle Commission
Rank: Commissioner of Zoid Battling
Unit: None

Note: While he is the Commissioner of Zoid Battling, Fredrick Coulston is neither a Zoid pilot nor is he registered for sanctioned Zoid Battling.

Backstory and Description:

Character Description:
Fredrick Coulston, despite his age, has a certain aura of strength and power about him, which has helped him through countless negotation sessions. He stands at just over 6'1", and has no sign of hunching over as he gets on in years. His hair and eyes are both dark, though his hair is beginning to lighten and gray. Usually, Fredrick Coulston will be seen in public in a rather pompous suit that is traditionally worn by the Commissioner of Zoid Battling, looking like something between a military officer's dress uniform and an aristocrat's formal garb. The suit itself is black and red (the color of the ZBC) and is covered on the front by a single large medal, symbolizing his rank and power. In especially formal events, Coulston has been convinced to wear an obvious scarlet sash, though he dislikes it and sometimes makes excuses not to wear it. Coulston himself is never armed, but is always surrounded by inconspicuously uniformed and fatigued soldiers, who tend to carry assault rifles. He is under extremely heavy guard at all times, and has a Hammerhead, fighter squadron, and infantry platoon devoted entirely to his transport and protection.

Character Personality:
It's been said in the past that nobody really knows Fredrick Coulston, his position tending to make him aloof and seemingly unreachable. To those who are fortunate enough to see him regularly, he seems to have a strong and stalwart character. Though he is only really an expert in the fields of business and politics, he has surrounded himself with loyal advisors who help him make the right decisions. Though Coulston is no great tactician or strategist, he has proven himself to be a strong leader and excellent administrator, and many of the citizens of the ZBC approve of the job he has done even in this unprecendented war.

Character History:
Fredrick Coulston was raised in the Commission capital city of Guygalos, and, having been born to an extremely wealthy family, might never have had to work a day in his life. Surrounded by businessmen and politicians, Fredrick quickly absorbed an innate understanding for the ineer workings of the ZBC at an early age. Coupled with a sharp mind and no small degree of charisma, it seemed that Fredrick would soon find himself at either the head of a corporation or high up in the world of politics. With two brothers to manage the company, Fredrick decided to pursue the latter option. He quickly entered the world of "higher education", taking every class he could, from government to social sciences to modern politics. His family became exceedingly proud of him over the years (indeed, he became a common bragging point at even the highest of parties) and was excepted to follow his dream into the government.

Coulston had never been one to disappoint, and is now one of the senior-most politicians within the Zoid Battle Commission, having entered the executive branch of government when he was only twenty-four years of age. Though he started his career as a lesser official in the Guygalos region, he was certainly never destined to stay there. Through family influence, power, and wealth, Fredrick Coulston managed to obtain a seat of the Commission Council representing the Coulston Foundation in just under two years. From there, he put in ten years of dedicated and distinguished service, forging ties and alliances, until he became a nominee for the Commissioner of Zoid Battling. Just after his thirty-fourth birthday, the Council conducted itsfinal vote for the Commissionership, which young, charismatic Fredrick won by a landslide.

From there, no one has been able to say a word against Fredrick Coulston. Backed by several powerful conglomerates and supercorporations, including his own family-controlled Coulston Foundation, Fredrick has always had the vote of confidence of the business world. Even old enemies and rivals within the Council slowly turned to friends as Coulston's skilled leadership caused the entire planet of Delphoi to flourish and prosper. Aside from a few minor rebellions and terrorist actions, Coulston almost never had to exercise his power as Commander-in-Chiefof the armed forces. He continued to fight for the rights of the corporations and the industry of the Zoid Battle Commission for his entire career, and was generally well-liked by all of the higher-ups he talked to.

As Fredrick Coulston crept up on his thirtieth term as Commissioner, youthful exuberance and charisma have turned to skill and experience. However, no amount of experience could ever have prepared Coulston for the shock he got at the last World Cup, while he was overseeing the event from the massive cockpit of the Ultrasaurus. In an attack that some would say truly began the period called the "second Chaotic Century", the Backdraft Group opened fire on the Ultrasaurus from their own base, several kilometers away. Though the attack came in the form of a Charged Particle Gun blast, the lag between the time the weapon fired and the time it hit ZBC HIGHCOM was enough for the Ultrasaurus to raise its protective shield. This assassination attempt against Coulston and the Ultrasaurus sent the ZBC into a brief emergency condition.

Almost ever since, Fredrick Coulston has been the first ever Zoid Battle Commissioner to have to contend with a full-scale war. Despite this unusual and (many thought) long-extint event of planet Zi, Commissioner Coulston has coped exceedingly well. He remains the head of the ZBC to this day, and splits his time between the capital building at Guygalos and wherever he happens to be needed or wanted that day. He is yet unmarried, often saying that he is married to the job.

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