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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Takashi Takano
Board Name: Takashi
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Zoids: Blade Liger, Command Wolf
AIM Screenname: takashizi
Referred By: Enzo LeBrun


Not overly imposing, Takashi is 5’6” in height. Has teal colored eyes and light skin. He has an average build, but he is somewhat slender. Sports golden blonde hair that is somewhat unorganized in front, and always stays clean shaven. He likes to wear a tan vest with multiple storage pockets on front over an ordinary white T-shirt, along with dark brown slacks and steel toed boots, and wears this outfit both in and out of Zoid battles.
Takashi is usually quiet and reserved, often to the point of being deemed a “lone wolf” by others. However, he is occasionally somewhat brash and impulsive. He is often remembered by others for his bizarre sense of humor, as well as difficult-to-interpret comments. He was born in a small village in the Elemia Desert, which gave him a very down-to-earth outlook on life. His mother died in an accident when he was young, and Takashi has very little memory of her. He was brought up by his father, Ryusuke Takano, a ZBC pilot, who was somewhat strict. When Takashi became old enough, Ryusuke taught him how to pilot a Zoid. Upon learning everything he could from his father, Takashi set off to make a name for himself in Zoid battles, piloting his father’s Blade Liger, as well as the Command Wolf he used to train with.

Takashi, although intelligent, was taught most of what he knows in the village and the high school in a nearby town. He didn’t choose to pursue a higher education. He isn’t fond of schools, and spent much of his time daydreaming about Zoids. As a direct result of this, Takashi can be ignorant about complicated concepts or information. However, he has an immense fascination of Zoids, which stems from playing with small village zoids, as well as his father’s influence as he was growing up. He enjoys piloting them more than anything else.

In his mind, Takashi has lead a relatively uneventful life, making this conclusion despite the fact that he had few opportunities to compare events with others, who generally find his experiences unusual. Examples of his “uneventful” experiences are: His first Zoid battle (at 13), in a run down Command Wolf against his father’s liger (He lost. Horribly.); his high school graduation, in which he slept in and had to take his Command Wolf to arrive on time (He panicked everybody.); and various encounters with bandits over the years.