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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Alexander Korimeer
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Zoids: Rev Raptor, Rev Raptor
AIM Contact: Chillwind2005
Forum Account: Korimeer
Referred By: No one (Founder)
Backstory and Description:

Physical Appearance:

Alexander stands five foot seven inches and weighs in at one hundred and fifty five pounds, his body is well toned and he enjoys showing it off. He wears a white tank top which is skin tight and a pair of black jeans that are baggy and hang down slightly and are held up by a belt. His belt has a Gun Sniper buckle and is made of black leather with small silver studs. His pants have a tribal design running down the sides that is only really noticeable by looking closely at his pants. He has a pair of red gloves with the fingers cut out of them and small silver studs over the knuckles.


Alex's personality is explosive, that simple. He is violent and volatile and a regular terror on the battle field, he is unrelenting and unforgiving. His temper has gotten him into numerous fights and he usually comes out on top, he is sometimes quick witted but usually just quick to set off. He holds a hatred for his older brother Matthew that he uses to its fullest extent in battle. His goal and sole reason for becoming a zoid pilot is to find and kill his brother, and maybe even his dead beat father who never came back after he knocked up Alex's mom.


Alex was born into the same small village his older brother was, the only difference was as he was growing up he was disgusted by zoids. The zoid battles and zoid shows were only reasons for his mother to stay home while his father commited adultery. Alex watched his brother leave when he was merely 13 years old and he held a distaste for his brother after hearing word of how he climbed the ranks and such. He decided to prove what kind of a true 'warrior' his brother was by becoming a zoid pilot himself.

At the age of 15 Alex had completed nearly 10 years of Mixed Martial Arts training, and several weapon training sessions as well. Alex was a master of jujitsu, ninjitsu, and was rather adept at submissions and grappling. He is also adept at the uses of blades, swords, daggers, staves, maces and other weapons of war. He has just began learning zoid piloting at this time in his life and caught on quickly, he battled in the local rookie tournament using a run-down Gun Sniper he found. He made it to the semi-finals of the tournament and couldn't continue since the Gun Sniper wouldn't even power up at that point. He gained a sort of bond with the Sniper which seemed to live off the same kind of hatred Alex did.

Alex continued practicing and using local tournaments as well as bandit raids as training with the sniper, he eventually grew tired of taking bounties and the low amounts of price money from local tournaments and decided to go take after his brother in the ZBC sanctioned battles. He kissed his mother good-bye when he was 19 and promised to come back after he had gotten his wish, which she is still to this day uncertain of. He had two goals, beat his brother in battle and prove him as a fraud and to kill him and bring his personal vendetta to an end.

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