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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Character Name: Aika
Forum Account: Aika
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 23
Zoids: Revenge Trap and Dark Horn
AIM Contact: SirFenix
Referred By: Enzo

Description: About five foot five inches tall and a hundred and fifteen or so pounds. She's caucasian but usually has anywhere from a light to dark tan from always being outside doing various outdoorsy things. Her light blue eyes are often partially obscured by her raven-colored hair which reaches down past her shoulders and is usually gathered into a ponytail. Normally her clothing is pretty simple and consists of either a combination of shorts and a t-shirt in warm weather or khaki pants and either a long-sleeved shirt or a sweater in colder climates.

Backstory: Zoid battling is only a recent thing for Aika's family, having begun only with her great-great grandfather, but nevertheless being a celebrated tradition that she's happily taken up. Initially going to Zoid school to learn the fine art of maintenance and repair she ended up changing course not long after starting since her father retired from battling after spending almost his entire life doing so. Aika quickly found herself liking Zoids with big guns since she initially wasn't very good with hitting targets--and later learned to appreciate how quickly they could blow something up. Unlike her father, who had mostly stuck with ground-based Zoids, Aika ended up learning to also use underwater and flying ones as well. If nothing else, she figured, it helped give her appreciation for what others who use them have to go through. Upon graduating her parents (well, mostly her dad really) gave her a present; the only Zoid that happened to remain in her dad's possession, a Dark Horn that hadn't even seen much use since it was acquired right before he retired. Eager to start her own career of battling she quickly started to join the local fights that went on in order to get some experience. While not official they did help with sharpening her skills and also gave her money to upkeep her Zoid. Slowly but surely she also started to save up some cash until she had enough to purchase her second Zoid, a Revenge Trap, from one of her father's acquaitences who had gone out of the battling business due to retirement. It was around this point in her life that she decided it was time to pack up and hit the road--after all, the battles she participated in didn't actually do anything to create, let alone advance, a real record with the ZBC. Her dad suggested going to find his own battle group and asking them to join, and she considered, finally deciding to go find them. Imagine her surprise at how easily she located them; which turned to flabbergastedness after finding out that, like her pop, all of them had also gone into retirement. Not really knowing anyone else to turn to the young Zoid battler decided to try the life of a mercenary until she finds a team to call home. Of course, who knows; she may well like being able to freely roam. Only time will tell.