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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Justin Dylan Kirimoto
Board Name: Justin Kirimoto
Zoids: Gul Tiger, Shadow Fox
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
AIM Contact: Justin K MMM
Reffered By: Enzo LeBrun

Character Profile:
Justin towers over most people in the crown at a stunning 7'03” weighing in at 313. Justin is muscular, but not a human tank. His body is toned and very proportionate. He is a fairly attractive young man, silver hair that spikes without gel and eyes that are stunningly beautiful and change color depending on his mood, though they are often hidden behind his favorite blue tinted sunglasses. His skin color is fair, maybe even a light caramel, depending on his location and whether or not he stays in the sun (He doesn't really get sunburned). You will almost always see him in his favorite South Pole shirt, which is beige and has ‘South Pole’ written on it is cursive made of a white polyester fabric. This is accompanied by his favorite South Pole jeans which fade from nave blue starting at the waist, to a lighter ‘normal’ color at the knees, and back to navy blue at the bottom near his shoes, these jeans are baggy, as is the shirt. His shoes are converse and the same beige as his shirt with nothing but the converse logo sewn on in black fabric on the sides. He also wears dog tags, hidden under his shirt. He will also carry his favorite automatic .44 magnums with custom silencers, his name carved onto them. And for particularly stick situations he carries in his cockpit 2 Cobrey SMG's.

History: Justin is someone who has always had to look out for himself. His parent's took good care of him, and loved him very much, but they were pacifists, and didn't believe in the zoid battles. Justin was always amazed at the zooids and their pilots, how graceful and powerful they were. It has always been his dream to be a pilot. As soon as he reached 16 he bought a shell of a zoid and salvaged the cockpit. Now there is something you need to know about Justin, he is very technologically capable, and his parents brought in the dough. Using both of these recourses he built a simulation program and linked it to the cockpit, this only set him back a month and a half. He began to practice on it until he became able to pilot a real zoid, or thought himself capable. He began a small business, an arcade, using the simulation and a few others he built. He continued to practice on them as well, by the time he was 18, not only was he a decent pilot, but he had enough money to buy a completely standard zoid, though his parents didn't like the idea, they accepted his way of thinking and his beliefs. He bought his first zoid, a Scout Fox a few days after his birthday. As he began to practice with Scout Fox and strengthen their bond and hone his skills, he began to enter small tournaments and such, sometimes he lsot, but he mostly won. That coupled with his small arcade which was becoming more and more popular, he was able to afford his second zoid, Glow Fox. He respects both of his zoids greatly and doesn't like the idea of sacrificing them to win a battle, not to say he wouldn't or hasn't done it a couple of times, but he'll always fix them up. His first opponent beat him and told him that he would never be anything, especially not better than him. On his 20th birthday he found this man once more and battled him, beating him, and having the chance to destroy the man's zoid, but he couldn't bring himself to crush someone else's hard work. Justin looks forward to all of his battles, the thrill and adrenaline is like a fix for him, he loves it. Justin wouldn't give his zoids up for anything, not his life, nothing. Justin's zoids have stuck by him through everything and he feels that he needs to do the exact same thing for them.

Personality: Justin is a nice person, strong willed and independent. He will always accept a challenge, even those which he cannot win, unless of course it puts his zoids in danger. Justin understands the strain and work it takes to built your zoid up and costumize it, and the bond that forms between pilot and machine when you battle, hence he could never destroy someone's zoid if the pilot cared for the zoid, however if a person treated their zoid as just a machine, Justin would destroy the zoid, thinking that it would be better if it were destroyed than owned by such scum.