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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Zechariah “Zack” Robertson
Board Name: ChaotixDivine
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Zoids: God Kaiser, Revenge Trap
AIM Screenname: ChaotixDivine
Referred By: Kestral

Character Description and History:
Zack is a very much imposing figure. Standing at a little over 6 feet tall, and weighing a muscular 200 lbs, he is not a man that one would want to mess with. Zack’s skin is deeply tanned from time spent in the sun. The pilot’s face is rather long, and he is moderately handsome in a stern, strong way. His hair is long and dark, falling to Zechariah’s shoulders and large, dark blue eyes stare outward, conveying a sense of peace and innocence one would not expect from such an imposing-looking man. Zack’s style of dress is really very simple, rugged blue jeans and a white wife-beater, covered by a plaid over-shirt. A long scar runs along Zack’s left cheek.

As far as history goes, Zack’s has been relatively uneventful. Born in a small, rural town, much of Zack’s life was spent working on the family farm. Sometimes, when they were held near the farm, Zack’s father would take him to watch Zoid Battles. It was here that the youth’s interest in zoids began.

By the time he was 17 Zack he knew he didn’t want to live on the farm, and his parents knew that wasn’t the fate they wanted for him. Still, they’d expected their son to become a doctor, or perhaps a famed artist (Zack’s mother stumbled across a sketch book he kept with pictures of various zoids and was amazed.) The idea of Zechariah becoming a zoid pilot never occurred to either of them. Still, when he conveyed this ambition to his parents, they were very supportive. On the day of Zack’s 18th birthday, a very profitable year for the Robertson’s, his family pooled their funds and purchased him a God Kaiser that had been abandoned in a local repair shop.

Where, then, did his second zoid come from? The answer is simple: A very, very arrogant pilot. Shortly after Zack left home, traveling in his new zoid, he was challenged by another pilot, Trevor McLawrence. McLawrence, in order to lure what he believed to be nothing more then a simple country hick into a battle, proposed to turn over his own zoid, the Revenge Trap, if Zack won. To McLawrence’s shock and horror: Zack won. Perhaps it was less a matter of the young pilot’s skill, and more the result of McLawrence’s attempts to show off. Whatever the reason, Zack found himself with a brand new zoid, and a considerable boost in his own confidence.

Zack, in personality, rather takes after both his parents. He is stoic and rather serious, often unable to tell when someone is joking, and very difficult to rouse to anger. Zack is also rather slow, but that hardly means is stupid. He’s quite intelligent; it merely takes him an agonizingly long time to come to any kind of a conclusion. Kind-hearted, Zack gets along better with children and animals then people his own age, who often make the mistake of assuming he is a simpleton. Perhaps the most glaring flaw in Zack’s personality is a tendency to trust very deeply, often unwilling to accept evidence of a friend’s betrayal.