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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Fenin "Leroy" Jacobs
Board Name: Fenin Jacobs
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Zoids: Zaber Fang, Bigasaur
AIM Screenname: Malderboy
Referred By: "Bandit" Keith Richards

Character Description:
Fenin Jacobs is your average looking guy, give or take 6 feet tall, and healthy enough to not be called thin, or overweight. He's far from striking in looks, but he doesn't mind. His usual attire switches between long sleeve T-shirts-shirts with an over shirt which is generally something tough and... Flannel-y. Hair style? No style like none, this guy doesn't look like he's shampoo'd in days (if not weeks) giving his mid length dirty brown hair a very fitting... dirty look. It's not that he doesn't wash, he does, and it's not like he smells bad, he just doesn't CARE about his general appearance. His pants and shoes aren't in much better condition. Worn is a good word for them, bleached (in true accidental fashion) in places. If he shuffles properly he can almost point his big toe out of his left sneaker. A neat little trick. Either way, his near hobo appearance seems to fit him quite comfortably.

Fenin "Leroy" Jacobs has never been the richest, fastest, or most popular guy in life. Born to a lower class family in a small town on Europa, just within the Great Desert and the border with Frontieum. Nothing grand, just another war torn little village that had gotten lucky for the last generation. It's gone now, burned to the ground. But Fenin doesn't give a flying crap, he wasn't very fond of his home town.

Childhood consisted of something along the lines of..
"Fenin, plow that field", or "Fenin, go get water for the crops."
And needless to say, he hated that to no end. His dream was to possibly become a merchant that sold random items around the world. Needless to say this wasn't the grandest childhood dream, but it was a start.

Until he could leave though, he had to work with his father on the farm, and this man seemed to have a little thing about blaming lack of rain, pests, and other things on his son. Of course, being a farm they had to have had a crop to sell, correct? Well yes, they did. Their crop was, when it grew, Corn, dirt others. Either way it was never a very cash filled way of living.

The village got its first Zoid near Fenins 14th birthday, a lowly Godos, a walking hunk of JUNK, but Fenin loved how much easier it made his life. And when one of those "traveling Merchants" gave him the chance to run away with the Godos as a 'bodyguard' (A term used very lightly, as the Godos was unarmed, and Fenin could barely pilot it) he took it as fast as he could.

Now, one might be questioning why Fenin was so willing to leave his entire past behind. Steal his towns fastest way to plant crops, and tell his parents to get bent. Well, part of it was his drunkard father. A man who's name he forgot long ago. Daily beatings followed by weekly wife beatings for a women who stood by and let her only child get mauled by a man 3 times his size. Simply because she didn't have the backbone to have the rest of the village help her boot the man out of town. Because of this Fenin has forgotten most of his childhood, and many little things in his past.

Now back to the story of the so called bodyguard... Things went easy, no one wanted to raid a guy with a transport that had more pieces falling off then items to steal. It stayed like this for years, Fenin seeing little (if any) combat experience. And coming to view the trader (A Mr. Xambros) as a true father figure.

Xambros and Fenin grew to be fairly good friends, the elderly man had never had children in his younger years and had been traveling alone for years. His reasoning for giving the boy a chance to escape was plain and simple, his father had been the same to him. And he didn't want to see the youth grow into what he had become. Sad, old and lonely.

Time went on, and the already elderly trader died on Fenin's 21st birthday of simple old age. Leaving Fenin (the only person he considered a son) his entire... 'fortune.' And a promise from Fenin that he'd go get some real Zoids. And try to be an actual pilot in battles, that way he'd never have to plow any more fields, for anyone. And that's where we are now, A Zaber Fang, and Bigasaur in his hangar, and a sudden need to prove himself to as many people as possible.