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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Character Name: Neo Blackheart
Board Name: Neo Blackheart
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Zoids: Raynos and Blade Liger
AIM Screenname: neoblackheart123
Referred By: Enzo LeBrun

Character Description:
Neo is five foot eleven inches tall and weighs 184 pounds. His hair is white from an accident early in his life as well as his eyes being yellow. He wears a black cloak most of the time to hide his body and head from view. He wears under his cloak a black shirt with no emblem on it and black jeans. He also wears black gloves and a pair of black shoes. His skin is very pale from hardly any exposure to sunlight. He is quiet strong despite his seemingly lack of muscle but never uses that strength for much.

Neo’s mental characteristics are that of a well organized person. He keeps all his belongings in neat order and never lets anything stay dirty long if it even gets dirty. He will even clean other peoples zoids if he thinks they need it. He is also modest and will not take credit for stuff that he rightfully did.

He has a strong sense of responsibility and will do anything his superiors tell him to do to the tee. He does what he sets out to do until it is done no matter the cost and will not stop unless told to do so by his superior. He is not a natural leader but will take up the role if the situation is dire enough and will easily pass it off to someone more qualified if they should show up.

He is also a very good friend and would willingly give his arm or even zoid(on a loan of coarse) to them if they need to have it. He despises killing but despite the promise he made to himself will bend that promise if it is for a job he is assigned to do or if it is to protect his friends. Neo will likely stop doing something that he himself assigned to himself if he comes across someone in need of assistance and will not go back to doing what he was doing until that person is completely happy.


Neo was born and raised in a village in the middle of a huge forest. Being such a small village it actually did not have a name. When Neo was only 9 he was playing in the woods when he found a cave. In the cave he came across a small door. The door was so old it was opened by accident when it disintegrated after Neo touched it. As Neo entered the room lights started to buzz to life. Amazed at this place he started playing around.

He stumbled onto a small panel of buttons in the far corner of the room as he was just about to leave for the day. Being of the curios type Neo just couldn’t stand not pressing a button. Unfortunately this button was a kind of self destruct button that sent a weird type of energy through the forest and even the village. Nothing in its path escaped.

Luckily the room in which this button was located was protected by a special armor but because of the age of the room most of the armor had rusted away. The blast from this knocked Neo unconscious he stayed unconscious for almost 2 days. When he awoke his hair had been bleached white and his eyes had turned from a dark brown to a yellow.

As he left the building to rush home he was struck by an overwhelming stench. As his insides bubbled he rushed over to a tree where he very quickly lost everything that was left in his stomach. After much retching he finally was able to stand the smell. As he stood up he finally had time to look around. Bodies of animals lay everywhere. Scared by site Neo quickly raced home. As soon as he got home he was horrified at what he saw. Bodies everywhere. So terrified was he that he ran. He ran very fast he did not notice the zoids that lay motionless through the forest or the quietness. He just ran.

As he approached the next village the villagers noticed him coming and they rushed to him. As the people got to him he finally gave into his exhaustion and passed out. He woke up 3 days later and could remember nothing of the first 9 years of his life.

After that he was transported to a small city with an orphanage. He stayed at this orphanage from the time we was 10 to the time he turned 16. Not much happened during his life there that was until he was 14.

Neo did not see a zoid for the first time till he was 14 when a band of rogues attacked the village that the orphanage was in. The rogues burnt down almost 85% of the buildings but was stopped before they where able to destroy the orphanage by a black zoid that he can not still to this day name.

He next saw a zoid when he was 16 right after leaving the orphanage when he saw a dark horn pulling a container of some sort down a road he could not get a closer look as it looked to be a military transport.

Neo grew up from the age of 16 to 19 exploring old forgotten ruins. He did this because of the stories he use to hear of how if you look in the ruins of an old zoidian city you might can find a zoid or an organoid.

He searched over 200 ruins all across the planet in hopes of one day finding a zoid that he can call his own but unfortunately he never found one. He searched cities that spanned huge fields and old hangers that use to hold zoids. He searched old bases and recently vacated bases but never found one.

Then one day as he left crawled over a rock to get out of a old ruin the ground started to shake and he fell through a hole that formed below his feet. The fall knocked him unconscious. When he finally came to he did not know what time it was or where he was located but for some reason he could see in this area. It might have been from some phosphoric plant growth or a light that just had been on for several thousands of years. He never found out what the light came from.

As he tried to get up his leg gave way beneath him he realized that he must have broken it in the fall. As he looked around for a way out he noticed a bunch of old broken zoids all around the building which now that he realized it must have been a huge underground hanger. As he looked around at the zoids he nearly overlooked the one at the end of the room.

It was old and covered in grime and dust it did not look much better than any of the others but as he stared at it he started to notice. All the parts were in place. There was no broken pieces and it looked to be in good shape under all the grime. As he made his way to the huge zoid he started to realize how big it was. As he finally dragged his body up to it he noticed to sticks almost perfect leg size and a piece of rope lying right on the foot of the zoid. It was almost as if it had been waiting just for him to come.

After he got his leg wrapped up and splinted he was finally able to look over the zoid. It was not simply awesome it was amazing. he could not believe his luck at what he found. As he crawled up the zoid he found a small keypad and thumb scanner. Upon a whim he decided to try a code on the pad. So off he started on codes that would be simple to get in with 0000 no that failed. 1234. nope that failed too. Then as he looked up a the zoid pondering what the code would be he noticed four numbers posted on the side of the zoid 5792. He tried these numbers next and low and behold the door started humming and it opened.

As soon as he climbed into the zoid the door closed and the power supply after all this time started up for the first time in a hundred years or more. Power came on and the screens lit up. System checks flashed across the screens as the zoid hummed to life. Finally after what seemed like hours which probably was no more than a few minutes everything was up. Weapon systems, Shields, Cooling systems everything and flashing on the middle monitor was a word. "Pilot?" As Neo stared at that word transfixed he thought "Yes I am your pilot." as if his thought had started a chain reaction the screen flashed and on it words started flashing across the screen to fast to see. Neo did see a few of these words including " Pilot setup complete" "Pilot Registration Complete" and "Pilot Authentication Complete".

Finally as the screen stopped flashing a sentence popped up on the screen. "Pilots Name... |" on the keyboard right below it Neo quickly typed in "Neo Blackheart". The zoid suddenly jerked Neo was shocked had the zoid moved by itself. After quickly realizing that the pedal his foot was on was pressed. Quickly He strapped in with the harness and started messing with the controls. The zoid roared to life and moved forward a few feet.

After a few hours of perfecting the controls Neo finally decided to leave but upon examine his surroundings realized there was no exit. That is when it hit him. "His" zoid has weapons. Yes it was his zoid now. After a short while of piecing together his weapon system he launched 2 missiles at the roof and finally was able to escape. As he left the ruins he noticed a raynos that seemed oddly whole. He would be sure to come back for it.

A few hours later Neo had found a small pond. Hoping that his zoid was waterproof he had waded it in when it got up to the chest he decided that was deep enough and had his zoid shake in the water. After about 20 minutes of shaking he decided to exit his zoid and see how it looked. As he exited the zoid after he got on dry land the first thing he noticed was the words painted outside the cockpit. Blade Liger. Amazed at his luck he had found one of his favorite all time zoids. After verifying it was clean he climbed back in and slept not sure what the next day would bring.....