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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Arkalisythnine “The Guard” Morning
Board Name: Arkalisythnine
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: Twenty-two
Zoids: “Futeki” Ice Blazer, “Akatsuki” Konig Wolf
AIM Screenname: Arkalisythnine
Referred By: Fore Loren

*Notes: Pronounced “Ark-al-list-the-nine”

*Physical: Almost in every way, a European-Asian mix, Ark stands at a semi-tall five foot two inches from the ground up. Ark isn’t particularly small, but not on the obese side either, just in the middle – average if you will. She had dark, dark brown eyes; a little less than the stereotypical Asian almond shape. She also has dark brown hair, akin to a rich chocolate color. To her European attributes, Ark has a few natural blonde highlights and flecks of green in her eyes. Her skin is light, pale, but her hands and arms are covered in scars; don’t be mistaken, because those aren’t the only scars she possesses - a few on her back from passed whippings and some on her legs from the childish “run ‘n’ fall.”

Ark is normally wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts to hide her scars. She enjoys wearing the baggy cargo pants with a worn pair of tennis shoes that have seen many miles and many shoe-eating dogs. The scars on her hand and wrist are covered with fingerless brown-leather gloves, good for grip and hard labor, though a few scars run onto her fingers, she claims they are from needlework attempts that failed. She wears several sets on dog tags around her neck, comprising of name and pilot registration and all the good stuff.

For weaponry, Ark carries a “CZ model 85 - A mint condition caliber 9mm handgun using the Petter reverse rail system for a higher degree of consistent accuracy, this 15mm barreled handgun comes with ambidextrous safety and slide release, factory sights and 2 magazines” (Astroarms), on a leg holster for easy accesses, and just as well, carries a 7 ¼” stainless steel knife with a leather handle in the same holster, different compartment. Everything comes combat ready and in the hands of a skilled fighter.

*Personality: Ark is a quiet person by nature, but won’t hesitate to pick a fight if she finds something wrong. Despite being a girl, she is not deterred from the fights by being the “weaker” of the two genders. She is proud and won’t let insults go lightly, she is easy to anger, and dislikes her parents (not her adopted ones); being that she dislikes them, she rarely visits them unless she forced. She is also witty and likes her wine, not easily drunk, but when she is, you might see some stripping.

In short, Ark is the kind of girl who isn’t half bad with the mechanics and fighting, but isn’t exactly so strict that she is annoying. Even so, some people get annoyed by her sometimes short, blunt answers or much more so with her sarcasm that she sometimes just throws in unexpectedly. Ark is more of a follower than a leader, but that doesn’t go to say she won’t bark out an order and expect you to follow it.

*History: Born twenty-two years ago on December 12th on the continent of Loramere, Ark wasn’t the happiest child. She had a hard time in school, and being the eldest child of two, there were high expectations for her. Her parents wanted her to grow up to be a lawyer, a good job, and a necessary one with all these workers suing their companies for Zoid injuries and accidents. Ark wasn’t like that though, she could barely spell her name! She was five when her little brother was born, who had a name that was easier to say and spell, Andrew.

He was the pride of her father, a son to carry on his name. Ark was disgusted by the treatment and love that he received when she was sentenced to study arrest to improve her skills as a future lawyer. A result of this was her back talking to her parents, correcting them when they made their arguments against her “why’s”. Life wasn’t easy, and Ark grew tired of the crowded streets and the little action about.

Her brother, on his seventh birthday, when Ark was already twelve, received a knife for “protection,” Ark found it a little excessive and commented that all he would do with the knife is cut himself – which was the case when he tried to practice with it. Ark took the knife late at night when her brother had put it away for the night, and practiced with it herself, leaving no marks on her skin, unlike her brother.

Ark was skilled and talented with the athletics, but her father and mother failed to recognize it, because she was their “little lawyer,” which always made her angry. One eve, after her brother had gone to bed and Ark was practicing her own weapons use, her father discovered her, having come home late from his job at a Zoids Mechanic building project. He ceased her immediately, taking away the knife from her fingers like prying a bone from a dead dog.

He held her hard by the wrist and the Cyphz family was woken by the whipping sound as Ark’s father left belt scars on her wrists and hands. She was sent to bed without bandages and she hid her tears in the sheets of her blanket. Blood formed scabs, which formed scars of her disobedience. Ark didn’t take her brother’s knife after that, and just confined herself to her room, growing thin from hatred.

Ark’s mother tried to help, but Ark refused to accept it; she wanted to be able to do the things she wanted to do, and not what her parents wanted. Fighting, learning to be more athletic, more like her! Andrew even thought it was okay for her to be whipped, being the pampered dog he was, and Ark hated him for it; eventually, she distanced herself so completely, Ark became the outcast, eating only when absolutely necessary, avoiding all contact and speech with her family members.

She was whipped again, this time on her back, until she refused to move, scream, or even cry. She no longer studied and only did was she pleased, so angry with the discrimination against her. One day, she attacked her brother, leaving scars on his arm, after much taunting.

At the age of thirteen, Ark was sent to live with her aunt and uncle far on the continent of Delphoi. The crowded city streets were so different from the semi-rural setting of her youth, and Ark quickly warmed to her aunt and uncle who seemed to love her more than her own parents. They could not have children of their own, because of previous accidents when they (her aunt and uncle) served in the military together.

They let Ark do as she pleased and even bought her, her own knife to practice with. The praise she received encouraged her to return to studying, not law, but anything she wanted, and she felt at peace with them. At the age of fifteen, Ark was on the fast track to piloting a Zoid, also on her fifteenth birthday, Ark was sent to military school at the expense of her aunt and uncle – rather, her new parents. She loved them so much; they even decided to make her theirs legally.

Happily out of the Cyphz family, Ark took on her aunt and uncle’s last name: Morning. She went to the Military Academy proudly, but it was there she encountered elitists and discovered her love for the fight. Several times, her adoptive parents had to come to the Academy to settle a few fights, and after that, Ark settled in and restrained herself.

At sixteen, Ark entered combat classes, learning how to use a handgun and better perfecting her knife use. Ark, however, did not graduate at the top of the class, but still held a position in the top ten. In the following years until she was eighteen, Ark entered a Zoids combat class and was a true military-trained student when she graduated at the rank of 50 in a class of over 1000 students.

She took a few more years of optional piloting classes and at nineteen, Ark left the school with an official piloting certificate. That same year, Ark joined the alliance for Sanctioned Battles, but never really got into the actual sport until later on, because she didn’t own any Zoids of her own. Spending the next two years with her adopted parents, Ark all but forgot her real parents until they contacted her on her twenty-first birthday, which was supposed to be spent celebrating in a bar for the first time, but instead, she chose to head over and see how they were doing.

And that was the worst mistake she ever made. Never again, she swore, after having a fight with her parents and brother, who was ironically a lawyer in training, Ark left, storming out of the restruant, leaving them dumbfounded, and she returned to her home, where two large, and when it is said “large” it is meant as “gigantic” to Ark, crates on the outskirts of town, accompanied by a towing Gustav.

This was her birthday surprise. Ark was ecstatic and the presents were her adopted parents’ fixer-upper after having to visit her real parents. Ark told them how much she loved them and thanked them... cried to them. Ark received the Gustav, along with the two Zoids, and registered them to the Sanctioned Battle committee to participate in the fights, practicing on the outer limits of the city.

At twenty-two, dark news spread over the continent of Delphoi, and Ark found flyers of possible war. Taking along with her, her Ice Blazer and Konig Wolf, Ark decided she would fight for her new homeland and defend her adopted family from possible destruction. Ark set off on a journey to locate a certain faction and join it for the love her new nation and fight for what she thought was right.

“Even when dreams are shattered, you can still pick up the pieces.”