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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Cain Iscariot
Board Name: Cain Iscariot
Gender: Male
Character Age: 23
Zoids: Hound Soldier, Ice Blazer
Aim Name: Zaberpilotls (the last two letters are LS)
Referred by: Fore Loren
Character Description:

He has deep-set steel-grey eyes that, when stared into, gives one the impression of looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. His long silky hair is the color of obsidian, and is worn pulled back in a pony-tail or down around his face. He has an over-muscled build. His skin is light-colored. He has a high forehead and cheek bones. He stands about 6’5” but seems slightly stocky for his height. He normally wears something that you would expect to see a hunter wearing, but he’ll were anything in dark colors or earth tones.


Cain came from a small family of hunters just within the boundaries of Till Forest. At the age of 5 to 9 he had helped his mother, cleaning what his father had manage to drag home and to take care of the dogs that accompanied his father on his hunting trips. His father saved and scrapped and got him a bow for his tenth birthday and from then on he went with his dad on his ventures into the forest.

One day while out and about, they stumbled upon a small wolf pup lying next to its mother’s body, and it was obvious that she had been killed in a fight trying to protect her pup. His father, with hopes they could raise it into a fine hunting dog allowed him to take the pup home with them. Cain named the pup Abel and took very good care of him.

Cain eventually bought a boar spear, the shaft of which unscrews like a pool cue and the head is removable making it easy to replace, and the two of them; inseparable at this point, would go boar hunting. This went on for a good while as Abel grew bigger than the other dogs and required more and more food. This went on for a while before food began to go missing.

They were poor and food was scarce, so his father, having no other choice, took Abel back behind the house and put a bullet in his skull. Cain had screamed until he was hoarse, and from then on had never spoken to his father, and what little he spoke was directed at one of to things, his mother and Abel’s head stone which he had taken the time to carve from a large piece of bark. This continued until Cain hardly ate, rarely slept and never brought home any game until his mother decided to tell him about his fathers past.

His father, she told him, had come from a rich family, but because of some bad choices had been disowned for his father. His grandfather, it turned out was a lonely but eccentric man who, despite having disowned his father, was quite interested in meeting his grandson. So it was that they decided to send Cain to spend some time with his grandfather whom he grew to love dearly. He stayed with his grandpa until the age of 20, working around the house, his muscular body coming in handy. Around the age of 20, his grandfather got sick and sent him home to his parents, where he stayed (but not happily) for three years before receiving word of his grandfather’s death. Soon after he received visitors in the form of two men in suits that told him that his grandfather had left his somewhat small but still valuable fortune to Cain.

Seeing a chance to escape he used some of the money to buy a house in the City, not quite sure what to use the rest on he packed his bags and got in a car bound for the City. Upon getting there, the bow and spear in his bag, he had the driver stop at a diner and paid him, getting out and going in to get something to eat. It was there in the diner on the TV that he saw a news report on the ZBC reopening the battles and showing old battle footage. After eating he used a phone book to find the ZBC’s headquarters and from them he purchased a Hound Soldier (which he named Abel after his closest friend) and an Ice Blazer he named Zail (after his Grandpa, Zail Iscariot). He gave the ZBC his address so that he could have them delivered to his house seeing as how he couldn’t get them there himself, and left for his new house on foot.

Other: Whenever his outfit or circumstances permit, he tries to carry the bow and/or boar spear, the latter disassembled, and both in a bag that he wears slung over his shoulder.

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