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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Character Name: Pacchiri Elexandria
Board Name: Pacchiri
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 17 (as of '07)
Zoids: Lightning Saix, Blade Liger
AIM Screenname: Tigerliger88
Referred By: Kiromeer (Editor's Note: that means Fade) & Fore

Character Description and History:
Hair: Blond, tiped and streaked with purple. Long, falling to mid back.
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Skintone: Light, but slightly tanned.
Height: 5'5"
Raised in a well-off family, Pacchiri knew the high life. As the only child heir to a rather nice sum of money, she narry had a care in the world. However, the life of glammor and glitz can be a lonely one, especially when you're the only one your age in that world. To pass the time, this sweet little girl trolled her fathers libraries, stocked with both recent and long outdated texts on Zoids, war, firearms, and the art of combat. Thus passing down a facination with all things dangerous to the girl with all the time in the world, and enough money to put it to use.
Of all the things she read, though, Zoids are what most captured her attention. Her eyes would glow as she read over the pages and pages, legends about the Zoidian race, bio specs for the newest edditions, transcripts of battles looong past, and all the little goodies you could add onto them. As the years passes she turned to other methods of feeding her curiosity, watching the battles broadcast on the television, hanging around repair shops to see the zoids up close, and eventually, making the decision to step onto the field herself.
Now, those other books didn't go to waste. No sir. If it shoots, or slashes, she can use it. Some of her 'personal' gear includes an XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle, a custom lightweight 50cal Sniper Rifle, Desert Eagle, Colt .45 Pistol, Derringer, Garret Wire wrist watch, Bugnuks/Tiger Claws, throwing darts, and a Butterfly Knife. Not all at once...but try and guess which ones are missing. Note: One of the two big guns is ALWAYS in the cockpit with her, strapped safely in to avoid concussions.