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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Polly Peterson
Board Name: occultkat
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 27
Zoids: Blade Liger, Dark Horn.
AIM Screenname: dominiquesdeath
Referred By: ChaoxtixDivine

Character Description and History:

Polly is a stout girl, her short stature and her thick body giving her the look up dwarfism, though being a tad to tall to be a dwarf. She worked hard all her life, building her self up to be strong heft heavy parts around the shop. Polly is a determined woman who digs her heals in the dirt to get the job done and nothing seems daunting when she's working. Around 25, she started to get gain a stronger interest in zoids in just fixing them. In her spare time she started to work on a Dark Horn that had been left by a spiritually defeated pilot who left it there as he lost the will the fight.

Polly's first battle was a disaster. She was completely defeated, the zoid she worked so hard completely destroyed, sending her packing to once again working on it. The defeat only pushed her harder though and again she fought just to have the same problem. Polly knew that the best learning tool is experience and while she found herself working on her zoid alone late at night she was only getting ready for her 3rd battle.

After the 3rd loss and a larger work load working on official pilot zoids, Polly began to become a little frustrated, that maybe some things weren't meant to be, starting to head down the road as the original pilot of the Dark Horn. Stuck in a rut her work performance started to go down with her mood. The rest of the crew couldn't bear to see one of their best workers so beat up that they surprised her with a Blade Liger. Now if she loses in Dark Horn she still has a chance to keep fighting while she works on the damages. Polly now fights on behalf of her crew and she's even more charged then just before her first fight.