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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Hayashi "Kyo" Kyosuke
Board Name: Kyosuke
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Blade Liger and Shield Liger
AIM Screen Name:
Referred By: Fitan and Nikeo Neit
Character Description:

Kyosuke stands at 6’3” and weighs around 200 pounds. He has an imposing muscular physique, though not overly muscular. His complexion is slightly pale due to the fact that he dislikes going out to the sun much, but in no anyway sickly looking. Kyo’s blonde hair is usually kept short and very well gelled in a spiky manner with a small pony tail at that back that is barely shoulder length. His eyes are a deep emerald green and reflect his gentle nature on the inside. Running down his right eye is a scar which Kyo received during the accident that left him amnesiac, though it is not the only one. Across his body are several other scars which are a constant reminder to Kyo near fatal accident.

Kyo’s usual attire consists of a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, which is what, makes up most of his wardrobe. He does prefer darker colors and owns a few black t-shirts which he likes to use a lot. Mixed in with his jeans are a few cargo pants and the occasional leather pants, which he likes to wear when he wants to make a good impression. Kyo can almost always be seen wearing a jacket of some sort, though his favorite is a leather jacket, which he modified with a special gun holster on the back for his twin Desert Eagles. His footwear usually consists of a pair of sneakers of some sort or a pair of boots which help in finishing his bad boy look. No matter what his attire for the day, Kyo can almost always be seen donning a pair of sun glasses, a pair of gloves with the tips cut off, as well as the dragon necklace that hangs around his neck. Though this may vary, he almost never takes off the necklace, unless it is absolutely necessary.

Though Kyo may not look it, he is very sweet and caring person. His rough exterior may drive some people away, but those that choose to get to know him better quickly learn that it’s just the way he is. Kyo tries to be polite and will usually stay out of any trouble, this of course is some times harder than it seems. His life sometimes reflects that of an honorable swordsman of some sort, which unbeknownst to him, he is…, in a way. All in all, Kyo is just like any other person will act normally under any circumstances.

Kyosuke was born 21 years ago into the Hayashi Clan. Kyo was the youngest of three siblings, and the only boy. Though this was not that important in his father’s or his family’s eyes. They really weren’t the type of family that cared largely about the survival of the clan’s name.

Kyo lived most of his life in the town of Liberios on the continent of Europa. It was a quaint little town, and by small I mean relatively compared to a city. It was here that most of the Hayashi clan lived. It was rare for any of the family to live out side the town, but there were a few exceptions, Kyo’s family wasn’t one of those exceptions. Kyo’s family lived in a large house that housed him, his father Ryusei, his mother Midori, his older sisters Izumi and Kimiko, and Izumi’s daughters Rin and Tomoko. His nieces were living with him due to the fact that Kyo’s brother in law Zieg died in a tragic car accident only a few months after the birth of Tomoko.

The Hayashi Clan observes a long and honored tradition of passing down the teachings of sword fighting within their family. Kyo was no exception and at a young age began his instruction into the Hayashi Clan Sword Combat Style. However, ever it was at a young age that Kyo began to prove just how different he was from the rest of his family. After a few years of training, Kyo changed from a Katana to a Zweihander style sword. His family was slightly taken back by the change, but once Kyo began to prove his mettle with his new found sword, it was decided that it was for the best and permitted him to continue his training with his chosen weapon.

As the years passed, and Kyo’s progress with his training was recognized by his family, it became apparent to Kyo that life in Liberios wasn’t enough for him. Sure he had all of his family nearby, but he always felt a little different from every body else. It was around that time that Kyo became interested in Zoid battles. Kyo was fascinated by the idea of going off into the world and having many great battles in those mechanized beasts and to explore the world.

In Kyo’s mind it was clear what he wanted to do, but he worried what his family might say. Deciding it was best not to hide it, Kyo made his wishes known to his family. His family did try to convince him other wise at first, but after seeing how intent he was on doing it. The only person who really didn’t disagree or agree with him was his father who took to himself for a little while. He really didn’t know how his father took the news but he expected him to really disagree or felt hurt by his decision.

Kyo decided to wait till his twentieth birthday before leaving on his journey. On that day he received the surprise of his lifetime. He awoke to a loud racket that morning which sound like some kind of machine. When he opened his window he could barely believe his eyes. Standing before just outside of his home was a Zoids. It was a Blade Liger, and standing right next to it was his father. Apparently his father was okay with the idea of Kyo becoming a Zoids pilot, but only on the condition that he would use a Zoids with some kind of blade weaponry, which Kyo really didn’t mind at all. Frankly, Kyo’s favorite Zoids at the moment where the Liger type Zoids and the Blade Liger was among his favorite of those.

The next day, Kyo set off on his adventure in his new Blade Liger. His first step in becoming an official Zoids pilot included finding the nearest ZBC registration office which was a few towns over. As he made his way toward the town, he came across a hovering red zoids he did not recognize. The zoids was reptilian and shared some similarities with the Geno Saurer, but he never remembered seeing one with a pair of shields like that on its shoulders. Immediately a call was issued to Kyo’s Blade Liger. Kyo responded to it and was surprised by a challenge by the pilot. Kyo decided to turn down the offer due to the fact that he preferred not to get his zoids damaged. The other pilot had a different idea on his mind.

Suddenly a large object came out of the sky and plummeted to the ground. A huge dust cloud was kicked up once it hit the ground, but the object did not remain there. It quickly raised itself up from the crater, showing that it was judge capsule. Unlike other capsules, this capsule was black. It opened itself up and inside resided a Black judge bot with some minor alterations to its appearance. The judge quickly announced the beginning of the battle and Kyo was caught off guard. The Saurian Zoids then dropped to the ground, and began to charge his mouth with energy. Kyo recognized the attack from a Geno Saurer battle he once saw. It was the Charged Particle Gun! In a flash the beam of Charged Particles was shot toward him. Kyo was barely able to dodge the attack, but not completely. Half of the beam tore through the liger’s right side and destroyed the cockpit glass. Everything went black for Kyo after that moment.

Kyo woke up in a bed all wrapped up in bandages. About a minute later a girl came to tend Kyo and found him awake. She quickly called out to someone to call the village elder and doctor before walking over to him to replace his bandages. She told Kyo her name was Akemi and that she was the village doctor’s daughter. She then told him that they rescued him from the wreckage of his zoids and brought him to their village, Kalm. When she asked Kyo for his name, he told her his name, but when he tried to remember his last name, he couldn’t. He had forgotten it, or at least couldn’t seem to remember it at the moment. When she asked him where he came from, Kyo couldn’t remember either. Two people then walked into the room and introduced themselves as Akemi’s Father and the village elder. Akemi then told them that he couldn’t remember anything other than his name. This was expected by Akemi’s father since Kyo suffered from a concussion. Luckily none of the injuries were life threatening, but he would need some time to heal.

Kyo remained in the village for a few months as he recovered his strength. His memory however, did not improve. Even after they brought over some items from the wreckage of his Blade Liger, including a map, a note book with his detailed plan to become a ZBC pilot and his sword, he could still not remember. As time slowly went by, Kyo began to make Kalm his new home. Akemi and him began to foster a very close friendship that bordered on something a little bit more, yet something began to feel a little off. He knew he wasn’t from the village, but still. He wanted to know who he was. Even after all this time he couldn’t even figure out how he could’ve used that sword he had in the Blade Liger.

Life went on, even with Kyo still feeling a bit out of place, until one day something out of the ordinary happened. A distant uncle from Akemi decided to retire and was making his way to Kalm to settle down. He was a zoids mechanic that lived in the Helic Republic capital. Everything went okay during his travel and reached Kalm with little difficulties. However some people had decided to get pay back for an old grudge. A group of three Command Wolves entered the village and tried to hold the village. They claimed that they were owed the money they demanded because the old man supposedly didn’t fix their Zoids correctly. Two of them got off their zoids with guns and rounded everyone in the middle of the village. Kyo was caught up with the rest of the people in the village.

The bandits demanded to be paid for their loses, but the village lacked the amount they asked for. Feeling that the villagers were lying, the one pilot in the Command Wolf began to destroy random houses trying to persuade the villagers to see thing their way. Kyo wasn’t going to let the bandits get away with what they were doing, and in one moment that the bandits were distracted, quickly made his move. With his left hand Kyo managed to grab one the bandit’s gun, and with a right hook immediately knocked out the bandit before he knew what was going on. The second bandit reacted, and quickly brought his weapon to bear upon Kyo, but with a swift kick to the mans face managed to incapacitate him as well.

The remaining bandit caught a glance of this and quickly began to fire at the remaining houses in an attempt to get revenge for what happened. The villagers quickly scrambled and made their way to safety, while a few tried to defend the village. With no zoids of their own, the villagers stood no chance against the Command Wolf. Kyo was about to join then, when he was stopped by Akemi. She implored him not to go, but Kyo wasn’t going to let that man get away with what he was doing. It was then that Akemi’s uncle stepped in. He told Kyo that there might still be a chance, and ushered him to get to his Gustav, where he had an old Shield Liger. With a nod, Kyo and the old man bolted straight for the transport zoid while the others distracted the bandit. Kyo quickly ran into the cargo box that contained the Liger and boarded it, while the old man quickly jumped into the Gustav’s cockpit and opened the box.

Kyo had never piloted a zoid during his time in the village, yet somehow knew just were to press to make it move. After flipping a few switches the Shield Liger came to life with a mighty roar, stunning the Command Wolf pilot dead in his tracks. Kyo pushed the controls forward and had the Liger charge at the Wolf and with one full body ram managed to throw the wolf to the ground. The Liger’s paw quickly fell onto the wolf’s neck, effectively pinning to the ground. Kyo ordered the bandits to leave the village if they valued their lives. No sooner had he spoken those words, the Command wolf pilot opened the cockpit and began to run as fast as he could away from the Liger and out of the village. The remaining bandits managed to regain consciousness during this time and started to make their way toward their own zoids. Kyo quickly turned the Liger in their direction and let the Liger roar at them. They perceived the message and quickly choose to abandon their zoids in exchange for their lives.

Kyo had no idea of what just happened, but somehow felt that he had found something he had lost. Apparently, he was indeed a zoids pilot, but he still did not know anything else about himself. At least for now it would suffice. Kyo was honored as a hero to the village, and suffice to say that some of it did go to his head. This was mostly because Akemi quickly ran over to him and kissed him in front of everybody.

The next few weeks were spent rebuilding the entire village. The three Command Wolves that were left behind by the bandits actually came in quite handy in rebuilding the village, though there were some close calls with the inexperienced pilots. Kyo also helped mostly with the Shield Liger when needed but also manually as did most of the villagers. Slowly life returned to normal, or about as normal as things could get know. The village even decided to build a hangar for their Command Wolves and decided to use them to protect the village in case something like that should ever happen again. Kyo on the other hand, wasn’t so happy about things going back to normal.

Feeling that it was time for him to find out where he came, Kyo decided to leave the village. Everyone was obviously saddened by his decision, but knew it had to happen. They knew that Kyo had to find out where he came from. So they decided to give him a proper party to celebrate the reconstruction of their village, and to thank Kyo for what he had done for them.

The next day, as Kyo prepared to set off on his journey, Akemi’s uncle gave him a gift to help him on his journey. He handed Kyo his old Gustav and Shield Liger telling him that they should help you on your new journey, and a letter to give to a friend of his in the town of Tecoka, where he could get his Blade Liger fixed up. Though that was not all, the village elder advised Kyo to register as an Official ZBC thinking that there might be some chance that he might be able to stumble upon a clue about his past. There was one final surprise left in store for him, and that was when Akemi strolled out of her house in some traveling clothes and some luggage. Kyo was slightly stunned that she even was considering joining him and was slightly against the idea, until she used her charms to change his mind. Her father decided to allow her to go, thinking that seeing the world would be a good experience for her. With that Kyo set off on the adventure of his life.

Family/Loved ones:

Hayashi Ryusei – Father/Age: 53
Hayashi Midori - Mother/Age: 52
Hayashi Izumi - Eldest Sister/Age: 31
Hayashi Kimiko - Middle Sister/Age: 24
Hayashi Rin- Eldest Niece/Age: 11
Hayashi Tomoko - Youngest Niece/Age: 10
Takahashi Akemi – Girlfriend/Age: 23


Twin .45 Desert Eagles

Found inside the cockpit of the bandit’s Command Wolves. They are a normal pair of Desert Eagles with no apparent modification. The hand guns are concealed in a pair of holsters on Kyo’s lower back.

Zweihander Sword

It is a rather long two-handed sword, almost like a great sword but with a wider blade. Even though the sword does weigh a lot, Kyo is able to use the carry and use the sword with one hand, though his attacks aren’t as powerful or as precise. He usually keeps the sword in its sheath inside the Zoids he is currently using. When he steps out of the Zoids and feels he may need the sword, the sheath can be tied to the same holsters for his Desert Eagles.

Lock Pick Set

It was found inside the cockpit of one of the bandit’s Command Wolves. It is useful for opening any lock that requires a key, though it might be illegal to use under normal circumstances. It is kept in a small bag on Kyo’s belt.

Swiss Army Knife

It was found inside the cockpit of one of the bandit’s Command Wolves, it has a flat and four notch screw drivers, a small knife, a file, and one of those things used to pop the top off soda bottles. It has a thousand and one uses and comes in handy from time to time. Kyo keeps it next to the lock pick belt on his belt.