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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Steven Manatori
Board Name: Reyore
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 28
Zoids: Stealth Dragon; Konig Wolf
AIM Screen name: Ryst8992
Referred by: Fintan

Steven Manatori is a tall, medium-weighted man, measuring in at about 6'1" and weighing around 190 lbs. Brown hair, combed neatly so as not to hide his sharp blue eyes that give glares small children run in fear from. Always well-dressed for any occasion, as his mindset is that if you appear to be something, people will expect you to be it, and then you shall become it. His confidence is almost arrogant, but to say he's self-centered is to completely miss the point. Of course, he's not without his kinks. The man is ruthless, uncaring, and if you stand in his way long enough, he'll try everything to mow you out of the way, even if he has to bend the law to do it, and even if it draws his attention from more important matters. He's been seen in possession of a small 9mm pistol, silencer included.

Steven Hiwanta was born. That's when it started. His mother had died at childbirth, leaving his father to raise him. Unfortunately, his father wasn't exactly loving, so his servants raised little Steve. Over the years, Steven watched in on his father's business with a growing anger that his father had little time for him, and also began blaming his mother's death on his lust for money. A successful businessman coming from a rich background, Steven's father once said, "I'm only in this business to keep my mind in order. I could retire anytime I wanted." This was true. At least, until Steven caught his father doing some illegal deals with some dangerous people.

The deal fell through in a big way. Steven's father was distraught by the concept of the gangsters busting into his estate, gunning him and his son down, and running off with the family fortune. One day, his fears were realized. John Kukamori led Steven to his father's room, where the man was killed by none other than Steven himself; shot through the head by his only son. The gangsters had gotten to talk with Steven, and realized the only way to get their victim's guard down was to enlist Steven's aid. Wanting more out of life, and finally announcing his blaming the death of his mother on his father's need and greed, Steven gladly helped. In exchange, Kukamori took Steven Hiwanta under his wing and under a new surname: Manatori.

The resulting month and a half was filled with depression, as Steven finally felt the guilt of his murder catch up with him. It drove him to the brink of madness, and the sheets of his bed, night after night, were stained with his tears and screams of insanity. However, this passed, and he eventually emerged into Kukamori's world. A relatively small, but closely monitored syndicate, the Rat's Claws ruled one thing and one thing alone: underground, unsanctioned Zoids Battles. For four years, Steven learned the ins and outs of the Rat's Claws ways. He also began learning about the zoids they were illegally battling with, obtaining a knowledge that usually is found in pilots.

It wasn't long until Steven tried to fight in a zoid, and he found it thrilling. The chosen model? A King Liger. And then he tried a Guysack, and then a Hammer Rock, and he kept fighting and fighting and fighting until one fateful day. After winning a match in a Command Wolf, the victimized Gun Sniper revealed a mysterious secret. As the words were heard, "This thing's marked! EMP that thing now!"

But it was too late. ZBC opeatives suddenly appeared from nowhere. Kukamori sent Steven into a safe house some fifty miles away, using that as shelter until the heat cooled. ZBC operatives captured all other members of Rat's Claws. Five of the syndicate members had been killed during this raid, attacking the operatives with the unregistered zoids, and being killed in self-defense. On trial, it was revealed that Kukamori had an accomplice, someone else he expected to pull the strings in his place. When questioned, he replied: "Of course I do, but he's dead now. If you want proof, exhume the grave of one Mitchell Hiwanta. I don't know what happened to his son, though. The scamp must've run off when we shot the traitor down."
"Why don't I believe you?" the inspector said to Kukamori, who replied in a stern voice, "I wouldn't believe you if I killed two of my men, so I understand if you're a bit angry at me."

That trial was four years ago. It was to be the last act of mercy Steven would ever be a part of. In the four years since then, he's returned to the old site to recover his family's fortune, kept hidden from any other greedy 'relative' that might happen by the old estate. He'll also sometimes run into an old pal from the syndicate, though it'll be a brief 'How ya holdin' up?' followed by a 'Just fine, all things considered'. Despite the large sum of money in his possession now, Steven had the urge to join as a pilot to 'keep his mind in order'. The money ensured his zoids of choice: A Stealth Dragon and a Konig Wolf, symbols of his cunning and adaptability in any situation, even battle. He wouldn't be doing any shady business, that's for sure. I mean, look at his father.