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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Ian Kestral
Board Name: Kestral287
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 36
Zoids: Hammerhead, Hammerhead
AIM Screenname: Kestral287
Referred by: Halen/Korimeer

Character Description and History:
Ian is the kind of guy who most people don’t look at twice. Standing about 6’2”, with a lean frame, he blends into crowds with ease. The clothing he wears supports this; a brown jacket, white undershirt, black jeans, and brown boots. His hair is brown, and is rather curly when allowed to grow, but Ian keeps it cut short. Ian’s eyes are a deep shade of green, and his face is weathered from so much time outdoors and at sea. Don’t be fooled by his appearance, however; Ian is a lot tougher than he looks. He knows how to fight, and he fights to win. Ian is always seen carrying a briefcase, although few have found out what is in it- and most of those few who have are dead. In reality, the briefcase carries a disassembled sniper rifle. Ian is capable of assembling the rifle in 15 seconds, at the end of which he has a deadly piece of equipment in his hands. The custom-built, 7mm bolt-action rifle sports a scope complete with a nightvision option, and an effective range of a kilometer, at which range Ian can put three rounds into a four-inch circle- much smaller than the standard human head. That kind of accuracy takes more than a good rifle, however- with any weapon, at any range, Ian is an expert marksman. For times when his target is close enough that he doesn’t have time to assemble the rifle, he carries a customized S&W Model 22 Mod 0 9mm silenced pistol ("Hush Puppy"). Though the weapon is silenced thanks to its internal baffer system, Ian has found it useful and reliable in far less clandestine operations. Also, thanks to its reasonable 9mm caliber, this weapon is dangerous to any unarmored target it hits. Rounding off Ian’s small arsenal is a pair of 8” knives. One can be found in one of Ian’s boots, and another in a concealed sheath on the outside of his briefcase. While intended for close combat, the knives are well-balanced, and can also be thrown.

Ian Kestral is a man who knows it all, because he’s seen it all. He was born, like so many children, in a small coastal town in the New Helic Republic. His father worked as a fisherman, while his mother worked as a chef on a Hammer Kaiser modified to be a cruise ship. His father didn’t make much money, but he had plenty of time to spend with Ian. His mother brought in much more money, but only saw Ian in between cruises. Ian loved the sea from the first time he saw it, a love that he hasn’t lost over the years.

Once Ian started going to school, he proved to be an average student in most classes, but excelled in science. On weekends, he could always be found fishing on his father’s boat, where he learned not only to fish, but also to dive-something that he can still be found doing on a weekly basis, if not daily. On the vacations from school, however, his mother would bring him with her on her cruises, where he learned the basics of cooking. As he grew, he also took on odd jobs from the crew and passengers, and, by the age of 18, was well-loved by the crew for his willingness to do any job. Of course, Ian also had a decent amount of money tucked away by this point.

Once Ian finished school, he decided to head out on his own. He took every dollar he had and signed onto the crew of a Great Whale King converted to carry cargo instead of zoids. He had originally signed on as a cook, but found that the crew often took on each other’s jobs. One day, he would have a mechanic helping him cook, and the next day he would be helping the mechanic fix a damaged bulkhead. In this manner, he found that he could get quite a bit of experience in just about any job, and get a bit of help in the kitchen.

After working with the modified GWK for seven years, Ian had saved up enough money to purchase a Hammerhead and start his own business. The Hammerhead had been modified, with all of its weapons removed to make more room for cargo, but Ian didn’t mind. He started up his own business, using his Hammerhead to do everything from deep-sea salvage to transporting passengers to Nyx. His business never took off, however, and he ended up joining the New Helic Republic’s Navy to keep himself afloat. He went through the Naval Academy, getting at least in the top third in all of his classes. His teachers found that he was a natural marksman, and it was largely because of this that he found himself in a rather odd position.

Ian ended up in the New Helic Republic’s Naval Special Operations Division. His Hammerhead, which he had brought with him into the service, was refitted as a combat Hammerhead, and Ian’s main role as a SpecOps soldier was to get the other men in and out in one piece, using his Hammerhead for both covert and assault drop-offs. Occasionally, he had to transport larger forces, for which he used a Hammer Kaiser. However, he also went in with the men as a sniper when drop-offs were not required. Every one of the SpecOps troopers cared for their own weapons, and Ian was not about to be an exception. A friendly soldier taught him everything he needed to know about guns-including how to build them. Two years after joining the Navy, Ian built his sniper rifle and pistol, with the required pieces paid for by the Navy Special Operations Division.

Most of his missions during his time in SpecOps are classified, but he maintains a superb reputation for getting the men he was responsible for where they needed to be in one piece. He served with the NSOD for ten years, at the end of which downsizing forced him to become a part-time soldier. While he was still considered part of NSOD, and could be called up for missions or drills, he found himself with much more free time on his hands. He had a significant amount of money stowed away, and used some of it to purchase himself a nice house on a secluded beach, complete with a hanger for his Hammerhead. Boredom soon took over, though, so Ian turned to a new possible career: competitive zoid battling. Zoids had been a constant feature of his life, although he was more familiar with the transports of his youth than the frontline zoids- with the exception of the common aquatics like the Warshark and Sinker. He purchased another Hammerhead, gathered up some of his funds, and registered with the ZBC as a pilot.

Ian was once described by a superior as “The most loyal son of the Republic in the Navy.” His stint in the Navy has given him respect for his superiors, and a deep sense of patriotism for his country. That same sense of loyalty extends to his friends. Ian would literally die for any of the SpecOps troopers he served with. Ian is toughened emotionally, due to his time in NSOD. He has seen far too many friends-and enemies- die. He is cautious almost to a fault, a necessary trait for a diver and a special operations soldier. However, his caution is balanced by a deep-founded determination to do his job properly, no matter the odds. He is not one to meekly give up and lay down, and will see things through to the end.

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