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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Nikeo M. Neit
Board Name: Nikeo.
Character Gender: Male.
Character Age: 18.
Zoids: Dark Horn, Hound Soldier.
AIM Screenname: xGrevenx.
Referred By: Fore Loren, Kestral.

Character Description and History:

Appearance: Much to his chagrin, Nikeo's build is extremely short and rather slight, standing a mere 5'4 in height. Nikeo's complexion is quite pale, not quite sickly looking, but not exactly the picture of health either, his facial features are still quite soft giving off a sort of childlike feel to them. His eyes are a quite distinct mix of blue and gray, portraying a sort of upbeat sadness. Nikeo's hair is a quite cliché dark shade of black which he generally keeps longish, the spiky mess usually stretching down the back of his neck. Attire-wise Nikeo can usually be found donning a pair of tan worn cargo pants, a snug fitting black shirt and of course, the cliché combat boots, with a short tan army-like jacket worn when the weather deems it necessary. Of course, a .9mm is kept in a holster at Nikeo's hip for safety reasons.

Personality: Ever since his childhood Nikeo has had a very calm, cool laid back temperament. When dealing with other people he will generally be quite quiet yet polite, however at times Nikeo can come across as very stoic, but the occasional smile does creep onto his face. Whilst he doesn't usually express it, Nikeo deeply cares for his siblings, especially Adeane and Fintan. When it comes to physical threats, as opposed to his brother's go fists flyin' Nikeo will do the intellectual thing and attempt to talk his way out of a fight before resorting to any sort of violence.

Backstory: The start of Nikeo's history stretches back a whole 28 years, with two young lovers, a young zoids enthusiast by the name of Aiden Neit and his partner Quinna Morrigan. They both lived in a rather moderate town located on the continent of Europa. The two were very much in love, but their lives were going in two different directions, Aiden was leaving the rather sleepy town to become a zoid pilot he wanted a life full of excitement as opposed to settling down to have
a family as most of the town's residents did when they breached into adulthood, Quinna on the other hand wanted just that. The couple had decided to part ways the week before Aiden was due to leave to become a official zoid pilot. Unfortunately for Aiden, Quinna was pregnant, thus immediately halting his ambitions.

Nine months later Lucian A. Neit was born. Within those nine months Aiden and Quinna were married, and Aiden put his moderate knowledge of zoids into practice, becoming a mechanic and all round
handy man. Working within the community and the neighboring towns provided Aiden with a comfortable amount of money for the family and the medium sized house they had moved into. Three years later, after Quinna convinced Aiden to have more kids Luther D. Neit was born, followed a year later by Aidean Q. Neit. It was obvious that Aiden favored his oldest son Lucian, whom he was teaching from a very young age about zoids piloting, which Quinna most definitely disapproved of. Seven years after Lucian was born the couple decided to have their final child, Nikeo M. Neit was born. As usual, things for Aiden and Quinna didn't go as planned, and Fintan Neit came into the world.

During their childhood it quickly became obvious Nikeo and Fintan were complete opposites, be it in physical appearance, personality or general likes and dislikes. They only had one thing in common, the awe they were in when they'd watch their father teaching their brother Lucian in the family's beaten up old Godos. However, as the years progressed Aiden indeed began teaching his youngest two sons the basics of zoid piloting. Once he came of legal age, Lucian struck out on his own
leaving to become a zoids pilot, Quinna was completely against it, but there was no stopping the determined Lucian. Six months after leaving home Lucian returned a bodybag. The news of his death completely shocked the family, sending Quinna into an emotional rage, in which she out right blamed Lucian's death on Aiden, whilst he blamed it on her overbearing personality claiming she drove him out. These arguments became frequent in the years that followed, neither parent
could get over the death of Lucian, 'nor forgive the other for their shortcomings.

It was hardly surprising when the now oldest son Luther left home when he came of age, Luther had always been the most withdrawn of all of the children as opposed to the much more confident almost arrogant personality displayed by Lucian while he was alive, Luther sent letters and the occasional bit of money to his younger siblings for the first few months following his departure but these soon ceased. A year later, Aidean left which truly was a much larger loss to Nikeo and Fintan
than the loss of Luther, Aidean had been that helped them through the hard past couple of years. She had been offered a rather coveted internship working for a Zoid production company in Delpoi. While it was was hard for her to leave her younger brothers behind, Aidean did promise to bring them to live with her when she had gathered up enough money, she also promised continual written support which she did provide.

Over the next four years, more and more problems arose in the family home, the news that Nikeo and Fintan had been receiving out of town zoid training with the money Aidean occasionally sent them spurred a HUGE fight in the household. Objects were thrown, and two certain brothers had made their minds up. They were leaving too, Nikeo knew the only reason his parents stayed together was for the remainder of their family, which he had to admit was pretty decent of them, but he simply couldn't live there anymore.

After pooling the remainder of their savings Nikeo and Fintan managed to make their way to Guygalos. Upon reaching the city Nikeo was left breathless by its size, he truly was a country boy. The actual finding of Aidean wasn't as hard as he originally thought, they knew the building she worked in all they really had to do was locate said building. Mind, the inhabitants of Guygalos were much nicer than Nikeo had braced himself for and they quickly pointed the pair in the right direction.
Soon enough, they stumbled upon the rather large building Aideane had specified in many of her letters. The rather odd looking pair, made their way into the building. After being told Aidean was currently engaged in a meeting, Nikeo solemnly made his way to the designated waiting area, sat with his legs and arms crossed and prepared to wait patiently for the end of the meeting. He didn't feel right imposing on his sister, but Nikeo deemed it necessary given the fact they'd blown most of their
savings. One thing that didn't surprise Nikeo was how his brother cockily strolled right past the secretary and directly into the meeting, he sighed....there was no helping that child. Five minutes later his rather childish brother returned, a swagger in his step, tossing what he presumed to be keys in his hand....he was effective.

Suffice to say, when Aidean later returned to her rather modest apartment to find her younger brothers, one stretched out snoring on her couch, with pieces of various trash scattered around him and the other staring back at her from a seat seemingly just sitting there doing nothing, she was pretty confused. After a brief explanation to her from
Nikeo the poor flustered girl agreed to let them crash at her apartment for the time being. Of course, the time being quickly turned into six months. In those six months, Nikeo got a job at Aidean's office, who had risen through the ranks of whatever she did for the zoid producing company(she'd tried explaining it before
but even stoic Nikeo zoned out), Nikeo's job was quite menial, sorting through mail and what have you, it was mostly to help pay for half of the zoids Aidean
and her new highhigh salary were going to provide for 'em. Nikeo was ecstatic, not that his personality allowed him to show it, he was finally going to
achieve it....he was finally going to be a zoid pilot.