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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Sal Vincearo
Board Name: EagleCorps911
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 54
Zoids: Shield Liger & Ice Blazer
AIM Contact: Eaglecorps911
Referred By: Alexander Korimeer and Ian Kestral and Nikeo Neit

Description: Sal Vincearo is a retired air force pilot at the age of 54, who is also a mechanic for his zoids as well as others for extra cash. He is 6' 6" tall with an athletic build, since he exercise around 0500 every morning for 2 hours to keep his body in shape, despite how old he gets. His hair is always a crew cut to keep his military side showing and the color of his hair is Dark brown with some grey areas that show signs of him aging. He has a fiery red eye color in his eyes along with a mustache and a 5 O' clock shadow. But along with his face features comes along a battle scar starting from the top right of the face to the chin at a 75 degree angle from a past skimirish and his skin tone is white with a tan.

Shirt: dark blue cloak
Pants: BDU style pants
Shoes: Shiny, black, combat boots

Accessories: military watch and flight jacket

Weapons: 1 6" Combat Knife, 2 9mm pistols,1 M82A1 SASR

Companions: 2 dogs: 1-golden retriever named Chip & 1 German shepherd/collie named Sarge. They are protective, playful and well-behaved dogs with military training.

Backstory: Sal comes a long way from being born as a single child in military based background. His parents were divorced when Sal was young, and Sal lived with his father, a Sergeant in the ZBC's air force, part of a squadron that include a 16 units of aerial zoids. Since the day Sal stepped on military ground, he was fascinated with all things related to the military and was taught by his father the values and beliefs of the military.

He excelled as a child, volunteering to help out around the base, and earning the reputation as a hard worker and a trustworthy person to be around with. Sal followed in his father's footsteps, enlisting in the ZBC airforce at the age of eighteen. Sal managed to secure a position at the same base he had grown up at, and worked side-by-side with his father.

Sal competed competitively in service-wide air force war game competitions, placing first in several matches due to his fast reflexes and hand to eye coordination with the aerial zoids in the air force as well as with lots of field experience. Sal also got to spend quite a bit of time with two of the base's ground zoids, a Shield Liger and a Ice Blazer. He could often be found practicing with them alongside his father. As time went on Sal had gained more experience with the two ground zoids and combat experience with his squadron.

Eventually he acended to the rank of Chief Master Sergeant, around the time that his father retired at the same rank. Sal decided to it was time to move on with his life and retire as well, which he did after thirty years in the service. Sal got an unexpected boon upon his retirement- the two zoids that he had so frequently practiced with, the Shield Liger and the Ice Blazer. They were sold as military surplus, and Sal bought them for a song. Shortly afterwords, he aquired two more companions, 2 dogs that were military trained, but were well behaved and playful to be with. Their names were Sarge and Chip, one being a German shepherd/ collie and the other being a purebred golden retriever.

One year later Sal's father died of natural causes. On his deathbed, he told his son his son Sal to, "never forget and keep your eyes open for new adventure." Sal took these words to heart and acquired a M82A1 SASR, hidden vertically inside his dark blue coat for protection. Sal had always been an accomplished mechanic, but he furthered his knowledge on how to work on these two zoids since he liked his privacy and did not want to be disturbed. People thought Sal was carrying top secret zoids or information, but that remained a mystery as Sal disappeared one day while traveling the plains of Delphoi. No one knew what had happen to him until he reappeared four years later, once again piloting his Shield liger, heading off to join the swelling ranks of zoid pilots now that battling had been reinstated. At the age of 54, after 4 yrs of his mysterious disappearance he had decided to reemerge as better ground zoid pilot/mechanic and prove to the ZBC, and the world, that he was the best there is, with military background and experience backing him up.

Personality: Sal is rock-solid in combat and prides himself on being professional, military personnel. He likes everything he does by the book with an occasional twist in the rules, while still making things legal. Sal is all about getting the job done quickly but efficiently. He earned the nick-name "Sal-striker" for his tendancy to squash anything before it becomes any real threat to him or anything it would pose a threat to. He is a very private person, not trusting anybody who hasn't earned his trust completely. He also carries more than a small amount of pride in his family and his country.