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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Cyfer Fargonian
Board Name: ](nightCrawler
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 36
Zoids: Gorhecks, Sinker
AIM Screenname: cyferMMM
Referred By: Myself
Equipment: XM8 Assault rifle equipped with M203, MMIR (Modified Military Issue Rifle)

Character Description and History:

Sergeant Cyfer was given his name after his encounter with the past Colonel Gordon. Gordon found Cyfer in the streets of his home town, Keldriane, where he took him in and raised him from scratch. He treated him like a son and raised him that way, but never told him what actually happened when he was younger, and so Cyfer treated him like a father because he believed he was his real father. One day, though, he found out the truth and accepted it surprisingly well, although in all hope he wanted to meet his real parents. Cyfer began his journey in the army at the age of 16. His father being in the army already, he had the advantage of training everyday with his father so his build was muscular and he was quiet tall. He was in the regular army rather then the air force or navy. He started off with the Gorhecks as his zoid in combat and was quiet talented in it.

After 3 years of service, he has achieved the rank of Sergeant after his father had resigned and left the Gordos for Cyfer to use in his battles. The Gordos was heavily modified and customized. Cyfer was shocked that he actually got to pilot this Zoid with such firepower.

Cyfer today as a pilot is still in the Army but he has become apart of the Reserves and not as actively involved, although his uniform is worn in battle but not out of it. His uniform includes a Green top and long pants with several pockets and pouches as well as a canteen. A belt, which laid across his chest from top right of his shoulder to the bottom left of his shirt, holds more pouches, and at the bottom left carries a small medical kit for emergencies. On each shoulder there’s an insignia, which show his rank. The insignia consists of three stacked arrowheads, pointing upwards, which show that he is a sergeant. He wears a beret, which has the official Neo Backdraft Army Symbol on the front. His head is bald but you barely notice because he wears that beret most of the time. His boots are the original black polished boots made out of hard leather.