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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Name: Derek N. Ashbough
Board Name: Derek_Ashbough
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 27
Zoids: Strike Bull, Hound Soldier
AIM Screenname: derekashbough
Referred by: ForeLoren

Character Description:
Derek is a big man. A small part of this is because he is 6’4”, but due to his…hobbies….he is fairly heavily muscled. His head is shaved down smooth to the skin, which is pleasantly tanned. He wears a somewhat scraggily goatee of black hair. Over his left eye he sports a nasty scar from a bar fight a few years ago. He usually wears a green, sleeveless, stiff collared, button-up shirt to show of his large arms. He tucks the bottom of his shirt into a pair of dark blue jeans fastened with a black leather belt. He completes this outfit with a pair of mid-calf black leather combat boots and a pair of standard black sunglasses.

Character History:

Derek was raised by his single father, Daniel, after the death of his mother, Debra. Upon his mother’s death, his father became withdrawn, barely paying any attention to young Derek. Convinced that he just wasn’t good enough, Derek became incredibly competitive with all of the other area boys. Competition turned to aggression during a wrestling match with the neighbors’ son, and Derek emerged chastised but no worse for wear. When his father heard about the fight he was angry for a while but figured boys will be boys and shrugged it off sinking back into depression. It was then that Derek realized that if he were to bring his father out of his depression, winning glory would be the only way. Years passed and the troubled youth turned into a formidable man and there wouldn’t be a weekend that passed without him getting into some sort of conflict. By his 21st birthday he was far more likely to wake up with a couple bandages and a black eye than a hangover after a weekend on the town.

Incredibly cocky, Derek finally managed to get a somewhat better handle on his aggression because he simply couldn’t find anyone worth fighting. Then one night, as he sat at the bar, he saw a Zoid battle on TV and he caught himself thinking That’s where the real glory is… Not to mention the rush they would get during a fight. A rich history of bar bets, brawls and shifts as a bouncer in some of the seedier joints had allowed him to save up some money for an extremely rainy day. So, with these funds in mind he headed off to see what he could find. The first thing to catch his eye was the well armored, brawling beast that was the Strike Bull. Incredibly rough and obviously made for melee combat he couldn't help but delight at the thought of owning one. Next came the regal, and compared to the strike bull, elegant Hound Soldier, with it's head held high , lances back, and proud bearing it was the type of zoid who garnered not only attention, but invoked the thoughts of awaiting glory for him down this new road.

Other: Derek usually either has a 7 ½ lbs survival knife or SAP glove on him.