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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Mason Vauxnn
Board Name: Masterson
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Zoids: Dead Border, Blade Liger
AIM Screenname: DMasterson182
Referred By: Nikeo

Character Description
Let's start with the hair. Mason has black, unruly hair. Unruly as in he can soak it with water, comb it for an hour, and then press all sides of his head against walls, and it still won't be straight. But that's besides the point, he does what he can to keep it as straight as possible without using a straightener. Because that would be girly and a huge stab at his masculinity. Oh yeah, his hair goes down to about his neck, and his bangs are about to his eyebrows. Anyway, Mason doesn't have many defining features as far as his face goes. His eyes are a brilliant... -ly boring brown. Really, they're almost black, but he figures they're just completely boring. He wears a studded earring in his left ear. One thing about him is that he, according to others, has a moderately long neck - not long and crane-like, just a bit longer than average.

Alright, so, we've got that paragraph's worth of hair and eyes done. Now we'll visit Mason's body - he's an average 5'10" and weighs about 160 pounds, putting him at a completely average body structure. It's almost disgusting how average he is, but I guess he deals with it. He has very tan skin, mainly due to the ability to get a tan within minutes and hold it for, well, a very long time. Seriously, he's even tan in the winter half the time. Mason has a very basic style of clothing as well - every day it's jeans and a t-shirt, though if it's particularly cold out he'll also put on a hooded jacket, one that is gray with some blue details all over it. His t-shirt, of course, changes out, though it's generally mainly gray or bright green (don't ask). His shoes are white sneakers with navy blue all over them.

As far as personality goes, however, Mason is a very interesting person. He's pretty down-to-earth for the most part, but tends to get pretty hyper for long periods of time. At the same time, he tends to get very depressed and moody, though he expresses that by just moping about or complaining about how bored he is or something. Mason's not the greatest when it comes to expressing his feelings, though, so don't expect him to answer you when you ask him what's wrong. Not surprisingly, he tends to fly off the handle very quickly, though not at the small stuff. Basically, if you piss him off, he's not gonna cool off - he'll probably haul off at you. And of course, it'll be completely your fault; that's just how he is. He also is moderately OCD, though nobody would be able to tell by his living area, he's pretty unorganized. It's just certain things... anyway, he's pretty mellow other than that, and tries to stay on the bright and calm side of things.

Character History
Mason was born into a family of, you guessed it, STONE MASONS! Yes, completely ironic, isn't it? Well his father, James Vauxnn, thought it would be an interesting and good idea, and for whatever reason his mother (Marie Rhodes, originally) agreed. Yes, it had been a running joke between the entire family (which includes both his parents, his sister Jillian, and himself) for about his entire life, but he put up with it. Did I mention it was a joke to his friends, too? Honestly, throughout his entire life, Mason never figured out how everyone seemed to figure out that his name was Mason and he was born into a family of stone masons.

His parents had met when they both ended up being contracted (they were independent workers) for the same project. How that happened, I have no idea, but it did. Naturally they argued about whose work was better and a year and a half later they were married. Give it another year and out comes Jillian Vauxnn, the first and most-pampered child of the family. Two more years resulted in Mason being introduced to the world, and such a shame it was. Not really, everyone loved Mason! Except his sister... well, she tortured him, anyway. It's really not fun being the younger brother when your only sibling is a horrible, horrible person. Needless to say, everyone in the family got along quite well.

Growing up Mason was nothing but an average kid. He was actually somewhat above average as far as schoolwork went, though he tried to dull it down a bit considering all the mocking from his peers. This didn't work, though, for he soon discovered that it's extremely difficult to just be not smart when you are. Instead, he used his 'powers' to come up with extremely degrading insults that, somehow, didn't even target anyone's race or religion or anything along those lines. Just their height and weight and whatnot, though he only hit those for people he especially disliked - otherwise it was a multitude of ugly and stupid. As one could guess, Mason didn't have the greatest reputation in the entire world, but that was besides the point.

There was a very specific turning point in Mason's life. That was when he was fifteen years old. You see, Mason jogs in the morning, every morning, three miles, just to keep himself in shape just in case he ends up in a situation where he needs to be, well, in shape! At any rate, he was jogging one morning when he heard a peculiar noise - that of gunfire. Not just any, either; this was from what sounded like huge cannons, ones of a caliber beyond that even of military grade, as far as he knew anyway. Naturally he decided to investigate. After going about half a mile further toward the noise, the ground started to shake with every cannon shot. HALF A MILE?! Mason had no idea how far he was going to end up going, but curiosity had long since gotten the best of him and he wasn't going to just back off now.

It was probably another mile before he actually saw what was going on. There were five massive machines, all of them very animal-like, blasting each other. They were extremely destructive, of course, and all of them were attacking each other. It was months later that he found out that these were Zoids, but at that point all he knew was that he wanted to join in the fun. However, his family was only middle-class, and therefore wouldn't really be able to afford anything that huge. However, he continued watching them from afar, at least until the first one fell to the ground with a thud (only about half a minute after he arrived, of course). This caused such a quake that Mason was actually thrown a few yards in another direction.

When he was back at his house, safe and sound and moderately weary in the legs, Mason decided he was going to strive to become one of the people who were in those massive metal machines. Actually, he wasn't even sure if anyone had been in them or if they were wild 'animals' that just wanted to destroy each other - anything was possible, right? That didn't really matter to him, though. All that mattered was that he commandeer one of those machines and blow stuff up! He told his parents and they, of course, laughed at him. It wasn't that they didn't think he could do it or anything like that, they just hadn't expected such a sudden change. They did support him for the rest of the time he lived at home, and he knew they kept him in their thoughts even now.

Jillian was another story. She knew all about zoids, because a few of her 'crowd' had actually gone off and become pilots after they graduated. After some teasing she told Mason everything she knew about them - at that point a lot, though now he knew that it was actually a very small amount of information. Nevertheless he was even more amazed, especially at how integral these things were to the war which he'd known was going on. After all, he thought it was just a regular person war; none of his schools has ever taught anyone anything about that. It surprised him when he was told to ask after class when he inquired about these 'zoids' to one of his, in his opinion, more well-informed teachers. His teacher told him that they were just destructive machines made for those who have no other way to vent their frustration and that there were more 'diplomatic' ways to solving problems than barbaric battling.

Naturally, Mason didn't care.

After he graduated at the age of 18 Mason went straight off to the nearest Zoids Battle Commission office and registered as a pilot, being gifted with two zoids for a small fee, as well as his own Gustav. This was the last time he ever saw his parents, which isn't all that long ago, but still. He hugged and waved a last good bye, popped in a mixed CD of hard rock music in his Gustav, and took off. Where he was going? He had no idea! Rather, he just started moving in one direction, stopping every now and then to chat people up, pick up a newspaper, and a few other 'activities' here and there. So as it were, Mason is now a drifter, picking up cash with small jobs and living out of his car - or Gustav, as the case may be.