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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Shikyo Yaiba
Board Name: Shikyo
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 24
Zoids: Ice Blazer, Shadow Fox
AIM Screename: Koushoku Yaiba
Referred by: Enzo LeBrun
Character Description:

Appearance: Shikyo has semi-Short black hair with red headband underneath. He has sharp, dark brown eyes with a surprisingly calming stare. He has a height of 5'6. Shikyo wears a white undershirt with an occasional leather jacket with a picture of a dragon on it and A pair of brown baggy pants with a black stripe down it's pants legs. Around his shoulder is a small bag that carries his most prized possession (besides his zoid), A picture of the villagers of his village when he was a kid. A small dragon tattoo tattoo is located on his right shoulder because it was believed that it was the symbol of the cursed when he turned 15. A deep long scar is visible on the left cheek.

Description: When Shikyo was born, he was given his name because he was born under an eclipse of all of the planet's moons. He was avoided by the others for most of his childhood and was pretty much miserable. However, despite his young age of 12, Shikyo stumbled into his father's zoid and, in only a few minutes, learned to use each control efficiently. He was soon loved and even admired by his village for his incredible knack for piloting any zoid. His sad and gloomy face was replaced by a happy, hopeful smile.

It was almost winter when it happened. The food storage was prepared and the villagers were ready for winter, it was then that a fire spread across the village of Doragon. No one was hurt, but the storage area was destroyed not to mention some of their remaining crops were burned. It was to be a harsh winter, and the person to be blamed was Shikyo, as on the day of the fire, an eclipse was happening of the two moons once again. His best friends and parents tried to stop the angry villagers, but to no avail. Shikyo was forced to flee leaving his friends and parents holding off the group.

After running off with one of the village's best zoid, an Ice Blazer, He fled to a nearby ally village Mikomi where he grew up at a mechanic's shop and learned to fix zoids. He also practiced at a nearby academy how to pilot zoids better and soon was recognized for his extraordinary talents. Even the village elder was impressed by Shikyo's talent. After graduating from the academy and getting some money from his zoid repairing jobs, he bought himself a shadow fox.

Even though he was finally a peace, he still wondered about his old village. He missed his family and friends who were the only ones who tried to protect him. So, he pleaded with the village elder to let him visit Doragon to see if the village was back to normal. The elder agreed and he set off to the village that had shunned him, in hopes to be accepted.

At first, when Shikyo first entered the village, he was expecting a sudden assault, but the village was surprisingly calm. After exploring for a while, Shikyo went to his old house. There he found his parents sitting, half-starved. After giving them food and supplies packed in his zoid, he was greeted happily by his parents. Quickly, his parents lead Shikyo to the house where his friends were. It was a happy reunion, but rumors spread quick and soon the villagers were rallied up again by his presence. This time however the village elder of Mikomi talked with Doragon's elder and they agreed to let Shikyo stay.

If it weren't for his friends and family, Shikyo would have left ages ago. Everyday, he was faced with glares and insults, but he wanted to prove himself to the village that he wasn't trying to hurt them. By this time, Shikyo had aspiring dreams to be accepted by the entire village, not hated like he is now. So he became a zoid fighter to impress the village. He also brought some villagers from Mikomi that were having trouble and need a place to stay.

Shikyo also enjoyed being Doragon's mechanic. He was quite good with repairing an injured Zoid and continued to practice the skill. He still has something to prove though, and is willing to fight to the finish in order to get the respect he desires.

Personality: Despite his sharp eyes, Shikyo has a very unique, calming stare. With all his hardships, it's not surprising he sometimes gets nightmares and flashbacks often. However, his spirit is sharp and his voice doesn't have as much of a despair tone as a serious one. Even so, he's not one you call cheerful and one glance can tell you he isn't one to roll and the floor and laugh, but his smile is still as gentle as before the Fire of Doragon. He is also very determined and once his mind is set, you can't change it easily. For some reason, he is still as social as when he was 13 and once you get to know him, he can befriend anyone.