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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Majin Delune
Board Name: ~Gêñø¢îÐ㣠Wïng§~
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 24
Zoids: Lightning Saix, Iron Kong
AIM Screenname: Tainted Scars
Referred By: Zechariah Robertson.

Character Description: Majin stands at about 5'11 tall. He has flowing snow white hair going down to his back which he keeps tied up in a ponytail. His skin tone is slightly tanned. His eye color is blood red, he also wears contact lenses making his eyes look slitted. His body is toned, slightly muscular. He has five silver hoop earrings in all; one on the top part of his right ear along with two more on the bottom part, then two more on the bottom part of his left ear. Overall, Majin's clothes resemble a ninja uniform; a dark sash, long tabi boots and tightly placed bands on the arms and legs.

Character's History:

Majin's story can be considered somewhat ordinary. He grew up in an island not so far off. It was pretty average growing up, the only noticeable thing would be that Majin felt more and more unsatisfied with his life as he grew older. Perhaps because of what he called 'flaws' in his personality or whatnot, he didn't seem to get what he wanted. Leaving that aside, he was a hard-working individual who seemed to hold up high expectations on his life... But he soon found out it wasn't all like he hoped it'd be. Soon his perspective on life turned black and white, with no grey in-between. It was either this, or that. Nothing else. He turned cold... He didn't turn into a bad person, just an unfeeling one.

He figured most of the good values didn't matter anymore. If you wanted to succeed in life... You had to be deceitful and cunning. Gather power and wealth and rise up apart from the crowd. That was it. There was nothing more to life... Or so he thought. There was nothing else to believe in....

And so with that he set off into the Mainland in search of power and wealth...