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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Nataye Tonan
Board Name: Nataye Tonan
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 29
Zoids: Ambient Sniper, Helcat
AIM Screenname: Juya Sedarc
Referred By: Fintan Neit
Character Description and History:

Nataye is a short, lithe girl, weighing between 110 and 120 pounds depending on the day. She only reaches five feet tall, and, while not muscular, she is very well toned from years of activity. Her red hair is kept very short, at most a couple inches long. A dagger is usually seen at the small of her back, while a few throwing knives decorate her right hip. Her tiny bust is typically bound, leaving only small bulge.

Nataye is typically a straight forward person, calm, very goal oriented, and introverted. Even though she hasn't had much practice with her social skills over the last few years, they are still decent, when she remembers and chooses to use them. However, she can get irritated, mostly when she feels she's being doubted, insulted, or having a difficult time accomplishing something, or if she sees someone who expects pity or unwilling to try and defend themselves. When she's angry, she's quick to insult and vengeful.

As a child, Nataye was always flexible, always curious. She seemed to get into seemingly impossible places, through the smallest gaps, frightening her parents whenever she disappeared. At the age of four, she was taken to gymnastics classes in the futile hope that it would keep her from disappearing into the oddest of places so frequently. Nataye took to them so quickly, and, though she stopped disappearing soon after, she instead seemed to be unable to stay still. As the years went by, her preferred method of moving about changed from somersaults to cartwheels to walking on her hands, eventually going into full flips for a brief period of time.

In her mid-teens, however, her parents insisted she take a self defense class instead of her gymnastics. After bit of pouting, which didn't work, and disappearing, which did, she got her parents to enroll her in both as long as she managed to keep up in both of them. And keep up with them, she did, to say the least. Her gymnastics skills didn't exactly improve, merely stagnating, but her martial arts skills began to grow at a rate only rivaled by the rate her gymnastics had in the beginning. Quickly, she gained ranks over the remaining teen years, even managing to win a few awards in both martial arts and gymnastics over time.

As she neared the ending of her mandatory schooling, she began to take an interest in the military and helping insure justice was done, much to the dismay of both her parents. Shortly after graduating, she joined up at the nearest recruiter, upsetting her father that he refused to talk to her for a number of years. Her mother, while disappointed, was much more forgiving, hoping to keep in contact with Nataye. Unfortunately, the contact between the two dwindled as Nataye was put through more and more training, first the basics, then more and more in the special operations training, from prolonged wilderness survival to infiltration.

Her first mission came nearly a year after she signed up, disabling a building's security system with a small explosive so that others could easily move in and complete their objective. A few months after that, she was forced to kill someone on one of her missions. It was either that or risk being caught and interrogated, which was unappealing to say the least. That killing left her rattled for two months as she tried to understand with how killing someone who might have been innocent could lead to a greater justice. As of late, she had been mostly been doing solo missions, getting in and out of target locations without being noticed, and, depending on the mission, planting objects, gathering information, or the rare assassination.

That is, until she lost her right leg from just above the knee down. She had it replaced with a metal substitute, but it wasn't the same. It was crude, it was noisy, and it was cumbersome. It kept Nataye from doing her job. The military gave her two options once they realized this: A desk job, organizing the very program she had worked for for the last 10 or so years, or a transfer into the zoid corps. Nataye offered to shove the offer up their collective asses. Seeing that she wasn't going to accept either at the moment, Nataye has been given an indefinitely long leave, and was strongly urged to try to get used to the pair of zoids they allowed her to borrow, an Ambient Sniper and a Helcat.