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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Character Name: Kalmora Horizont {Kal-More-Ah sounding}
Board Name: Kalmora
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 27
Zoids: Warshark, Shadow Fox
AIM Screenname: Pilot Kalmora
Referred By: Ryst

Kalmora stands at 5'10, with shoulder length green hair which he keeps mostly in a ponytail. His eyes are brown in color, but Kal is often seen wearing green tinted sunglasses. Kalmora has a decent build, being around 180 pounds. He tends to dress decently at all times, typically wearing a green long sleeve skin tight shirt, with a pair of black pants and green and white running shoes. He also has a green tattoo of a skull with a dagger stabbing into it on his right arm. On his hands he wears a normal pair of green gloves. Kalmora also has a small scar that goes from his chin down his neck.

Personality: Kalmora has a strange set of morals. He downright refuses to do any dirty tricks in battle. Being mostly sweet and hard to anger Kalmora enjoys hanging out with other Zoid Pilots who hold similar morals to his. Kal tends to stay clear of those of bad nature. If you couldn't tell from his clothing, Kalmora has a obsession with the color green. He cares little what people think of him painting his Warshark green, and always telling such people 'To each his own.' Kalmora, thanks to his uncle, has high respect for hard workers, and women (for the single fact women have to go into so much pain just to give birth to ungrateful children). Kalmora is a very cheerful person and it takes a lot to make him sad. With the idea in his mind that he can do whatever he sets it to. Kalmora plans to win a number of championships, and then retire, start a family, and live out his life helping others, just as his uncle did.

Kalmora was born to a decent family, with both parents hard workers. Kalmora however when he was around 14 his chin was cut up after he felt onto some glass, Shortly after this event Kalmora started to go into a spiral of Rebellion. His parents disliked the way he was turning, and so they sent him to live with his uncle in the desert. His uncle happened to be a zoid pilot, and a rather talented tattooist. With a lot of begging and promising to be a better child for his parents Kalmora got his first, and most likely only, tattoo. After this Kalmora devoted himself to helping his uncle clean the zoids, take care of the tools, and even build a new zoid hanger.

Kalmora learned many things from watching his uncle. Being a fair man the semi old guy made it clear to offer Kalmora every chance to see him work with people. Kalmora's uncle always respected his co-workers and treated women and children nicely. He was a role model that made Kalmora slowly change his own ways. One night his uncle called for Kalmora to help him build a three story house for a women who recently lost her house, that had been destroyed by two Zoid pilots. Day and night Kalmora worked with his uncle to build the house, and make it livable for the women and her children. Once completed Kalmora's uncle told him that life was all about respect , honor, and decency. Three months after this his uncle suffered a heart attack, and unfortunately did not survice. Kalmora returned to his parents changed to a well mannered boy.

But once again Kalmora would fall into a rebellion at the age of 18. That was wehn he moved out of his parents place and become a thug on the streets. Kalmora stole money only from men who looked like they would not need the money. Still, Kalmora tried to get his buddies to share the same morals he had. Unfortunately, he failed, and Kalmora fell out of grace with them. He Grow slowly distant from those who he once considered cool people, and eventually, Kalmora took a job painting a house.

Here was where Kalmora gained his first chance to own a Zoid. Someone saw how hard he was working, and had paid him a decent amount of money to take care of there zoid. After completing the house Kalmora took the job. However the friends Kalmora once hanged out with had other plans. Two people he thought to be his friends knocked him out and took the zoid. After this the man made Kalmora work off the payout of the Zoid. A few years of service, and he paid it off. The man was nice enough to pay for him to go back home to see his parents.

Now 21, Kalmora was focused on becoming a zoid pilot. Going to a childhood friend's Zoid hanger. Kalmora was paid to do daily tests on each zoid in the hanger. After meeting other Zoid pilots Kalmora gained a ambition to go out, and make a name for himself. It took him awhile to muster the cash to buy a Warshark. Buying paint Kalmora stood up day and night to paint his entire zoid different shades of Green...The only parts of his Zoid not painted green, was the weapons, and cockpit.

Now for afew years Kalmora did small time battles, and lost most of them. But he slowly gained skill in the use of a Warshark, and over the years he made some decent friends who gave him great tips. Kalmora formed many plans while he was waiting to have the money to buy another zoid. He thought about getting a Stealth Viper, but decided against doing that for now. He focused on saving money, and self repaired to save said money. During this time, Kalmora had only small bits of contact with his parents. He was shocked to learn that when he was 24 that his father died due to a stroke. Kalmora was unable to go see the grave. He had to look to the future. Sending some money to his mom to help her out. Kalmora met up with his old...'friends' once more- this time in battle, with the two thugs both in Command Wolves. They wanted to steal his zoid, but Kalmora had other plans. He defeated them both in a two vs one battle, albiet barely. Kalmora took a small break from zoid piloting after this. Thinking over his life, and how he made it this far. He then thought how much longer he would live... Pushing those thoughts past him. Kalmora, now 26, got back into zoid fighting.

Turning 27 Kalmora finally had won enough money from bets, work, and Zoid fighting to buy another Zoid- the Shadow Fox. Kalmora learned many lessons in his life, and now with two zoids Kalmora made a vow to himself. He would become a Champion, and make his family proud. He painted on his Shadow Fox in Green writing on it's cockpit, 'Akasora'. Akasora was the name of his uncle who so many years ago had changed Kalmora's mind set, and most likely was the only reason was able to do what he did.