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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Small-Bore Pulse Cannon
Cost: $4,500
Weight: 1 Ton
Function: Supporting/Supplementary Firepower
Mounts On: All Level 1 and Level 2 Zoids(*2), and Heldigunner(*2), Shield Liger(*2), Zaber Fang(*2), King Liger(*2), Gul Tiger(*2), Gorhecks(*2), Warshark(*2)
Mount Location:
--On all bipedal Zoids, the SBPC(s) mount(s) ontop of either shoulder, facing fowards. This modification may not be used in conjuction with any number of Miniguns (but Dual Minigun is still mountable).
--On all quadrupedal Zoids, the SBPC(s) mount(s) to the side of either front hip, facing forwards. This modification may not be used in conjuction with any number of Miniguns (but Dual Minigun is still mountable).
--On all other Zoid designs (such as Molgas, Guysacks, and Garagantulas) the SBPC(s) mount(s) to either side of the main body of the Zoid, facing forwards. This modification may not be used in conjuction with any number of Miniguns (but Dual Minigun is still mountable).
In Brief: The Small-Bore Pulse Cannon is a small 20mm pulse cannon that mounts to the same position as the Minigun. Like the Minigun, two can be mounted to any Zoid that can mount one, but the two weapons must be purchased separately.

Weapon Type: Laser Cannon
Ammunition: 15mm Pulse Laser Beams
Rate of Fire: 25 rounds/second

Description: When humanity first emerged on Zi, it had no conception of laser weaponry or other associated beam technology. However, as the years and decades went by, a long list of various scientists and archeologists worked together to unravel the mysteries left for them by the Ancient Zoidians. Unfortunately for the brilliant human minds, the supermajority of the secrets of the dead race have been lost to time. Still, despite the passage of centuries, not everything was indecipherable. One of the greatest successes of these individuals was the development of beam technology, a goal ultimately reached by merging a few Ancient Zoidian tricks with recent human breakthroughs. One by-product of this was the advent of laser weaponry.

Over the years, many militaries have experimented with many different kinds of energy weapons. The dozens (if not hundreds) of designs, calibers, and specialities in all their forms can be found in the hundreds of different Zoid types and modifications available on the open market. However, the standardized modification that contains the "rival of the Minigun" is the Small-Bore Pulse Cannon: a rapid-fire energy weapon that spews out beams even faster than its solid-shot compatriot can. Firing 25 15mm rounds every second, the Small-Bore Pulse Cannon is easily the best low-cost point-defense weapon there is. In additon, the Small-Bore Pulse Cannons can rotate up to 30 degrees out and 30 degrees up or down, giving them another advantage as a point-defense weapon. Unfortunately, they're mainly used for just that: point-defense. While they spew out shells quickly, many would agree that they're not very powerful. The 20mm solid-shot Minigun has much more stopping power.

Also note that for wiring reasons, one Minigun and one Small-Bore Pulse Cannon cannot be mounted on the same Zoid at the same time.