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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Molga
Alignment: Zenebas and Guylos Empires
Family: Caterpillar
Registration Number: EZ-006
Crew: 1
Height: 2.9 Meters
Length: 11.8 Meters
Weight: 19.7 Tons
Top Speed: 200 kph
Weapons: Quad 20mm Machineguns, 2-Shot Anti-Ground Missile Pod, Hardened Alloy Tail Spikes.
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar.
Level: 1

The Molga is one of the old workhorses of the Imperial Armed Forces, designed to serve as the standard infantry Zoid as well as support and complement other early designs. Other Zoids such as the Malder and Marder fought alongside the Molga -- which has been from time to time referred to as the opposite number of the Godos. Though the Caterpillar-typed Zoid is somewhat small, it’s actually reasonably heavily armored and armed for a Zoid of its class. The downside is that the Molga is a bit hard to maneuver with because of its worm-like construction. Rather than legs, the Molga actually has wheels, making piloting the Molga a bit like driving a car. The entire system of movement is a bit different, as are the tactics.

Though it might be a bit of a different system, the Molga is actually a relatively fast Zoid. One of the main problems with it is that most of its firepower is forward-facing, which can make it extremely hard to fight a faster or cunning opponent. Another slight problem is the fact that this a Zoid that really has no business in melee, and close quarters can often be a real problem for the Molga. All in all, though, it was the Molga’s relativeness toughness, heavy weaponry, and all around usefulness that made it the primary choice of infantry for the Zenebas and Guylos Empires.

Quad 20mm Machineguns:
The Molga has a total of four 20mm machineguns, two on either side of its head, all mounted to fixed armored bases. Each weapon fires at a rate of 10/rounds per second, meaning 40 per second all together. Although powerful, the Molga’s quartet of fully automatic weaponry tend to be less accurate than most. However, the Molga’s unique design means that the Zoid doesn’t shake while moving, meaning that it doesn’t loose too much accuracy while rolling around.

2-Shot Anti-Ground Missile Pod:
The Molga does actually have some rear and flank-facing defenses, namely a pair of missiles concealed underneath an armor plate in its tail. They can lock on like any AGMs, but they can’t target or get a lock on any target directly in front of the Molga. (The tail can’t point there.) Otherwise, they’re just completely standard missiles. Once they’re used, though, the Molga has to rearm to get more.

Hardened Alloy Tail Spikes:
The Molga usually can’t melee too well, mainly because of its gross lack of frontal or easily usable melee weapons. However, the Molga’s tail has two tail spikes coming out of it, and the Molga can often turn or charge fast enough to really do some damage with this thing. So, while small, don’t count the Molga out of melee entirely. However, it can take some real work and skill to use this weapon effectively. Also note that these spikes are vaguely related to

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
The Molga possessed a 3D Doppler Radar system -- at the time, a seemingly ingenious innovation in military technology. The radar, which is actually an integrated part of the back-mounted tail spikes, allows the Molga to map terrain and see outwards as far as 200 meters, but only behind it. Not exactly impressive by modern standards, but a boon nonetheless. Unfortunately, this makes the Molga unable to see in front of it using the Doppler Radar, but it also makes it a bit hard to sneak up on the Molga.

Available Modifications: