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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Garagantula (aka “Garagantulus”)
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Spider
Registration Number: RMZ-04
Crew: 1
Height: 6.0 Meters
Length: 6.0 Meters
Weight: 4.6 Tons
Top Speed: 330 kph (land), 180 kph (sand), 90 kph (dirt)
Weapons: Dual 20mm Maxter Beam Cannons, Electromagnetic Beam Launcher.
Special Abilities: Burrowing, Cable Launcher.
Level: 1

One of the earliest Zoids ever to be brought into the service of the Helic Republic, the Garagantula borders on the “protozoid” classification. Many of these Zoids are now found wild, mainly because of their early development and release into the open. While they are only lightly armored and armed, these spider-typed Zoids are surprisingly fast and high performance. They’re extremely agile as well, and possess the both the ability to burrow and to use a Cable Launcher to swing from place to place.

Interestingly, the Garagantula was relatively successful up through the first and second generations of new Zoids following its introduction. Eventually, they were phased out and replaced by the Guysack, whose design they actually inspired. The ability of the Garagantula to burrow made it the very first generation of the Helic “sleeper” Zoids, popping up at opponents from nowhere and striking.

Dual 20mm Maxter Beam Cannons:
The Garagantula’s main weapons are a pair of semiautomatic 20mm Maxter Beam Cannons, mounted to the undercarriage, which can incline up to 30 degrees up, down, or to either side. Now, the “Maxter” designation means that use a special design to increase power and maximize damage, moderately improving both damage and penetration. They’re still not as good as AZ weapons, though. Also, they can be used while burrowed.

Electromagnetic Beam Cannon:
To add a little spice to the Garagantula’s arsenal, there’s an Electromagnetic Beam Cannon mounted on the spider’s back. This weapon is a cousin of the Dark Spiner’s defensive cannons, able to bypass armor and fry internals (the more armor, the less the effect of the cannon). If it hits exposed internals, the Electromagnetic Beam Cannon can even stun parts of an enemy Zoid. However, it has a maximum range of 250 meters, and is most effective at distances under 150 meters. Also, it can’t be used underground, as the ground nulls the blast in no time at all. On the plus side, the cannon is semiautomatic, and can pivot 90 degrees to either side or 45 degrees up.

Special Abilities:
The Garagantula possesses the ability to burrow through sand and dirt, at 180 kph through the former and 90 kph through the latter. It’s a reasonably good burrowing Zoid, but lacks the sensor equipment to know what’s going on above ground. Also, recall that while the Garagantula is fully capable of staying burrowed indefinitely, sanctioned Zoid battling rules allow it to stay underground for no longer that 12 seconds total in a single match.

Cable Launcher:
The Garagantula can fire a long, sturdy, 100 meter long retractable cable from its mouth, which it can use for climbing and hanging and the like. It can use it in the same manner as a spider: hanging, slowly retracting it and ascending, or letting it out and descending. Note that the cable has several grappling prongs on the end (which allow it to latch onto things), but it can’t really be used for melee very effectively.

Available Modifications: