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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Guysack
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Scorpion
Registration Number: RZ-002
Crew: 1
Height: 4.0 Meters
Length: 10.0 Meters
Weight: 22 Tons
Top Speed: 120 kph (land or sand), 80 kph (loose dirt), 40 kph (packed dirt)
Weapons: AZ30mm Beam Rifle, Hardened Alloy Pincers.
Special Abilities: Burrowing, Smoke Dischargers, Motion Detector.
Level: 1

During the long and bitter struggle between the Helic Republic and the Guylos and Zenebas Empires, both sides developed a number of small, cheap, mass production Zoids. The Guylos Empire had Zoids like the Rev Raptor and Molga, while the Helic Republic built the Gordos and... the Guysack. The Guysack is a scorpion-typed Zoid, and it’s got the lightest armor of any Zoid to actually have armor. However, that’s not where its strength lies.

Aside from a reasonably potent AZ30mm Beam Rifle on its tail, the Guysack’s greatest boon is its ability to burrow. Often, a number of Guysacks would sink beneath the sand and just wait... when an enemy force came by, they’d jump up and attack it. Also, the Guysack’s many legs allow it not only to burrow quickly, but also to turn and maneuver extremely well. Unfortunately, they’re poorly armored (like the rest of the Zoid) and easy to shoot off.

The Guysack also borders on infamous for its use as a Sleeper Zoid. You see, the Republican Guysack and the Imperial Rev Raptor were both compatible with a primitive AI called a “Sleeper System”. While not very intelligent or good at tactics, the Sleeper System allowed the Guysack to operate unpiloted. Therefore, the Helic Republic famously scattered Guysacks all over its territory. The Guysacks would then burrow, and “sleep”. They’d wait for an enemy force (anything that doesn’t identify with their IFF and shows up on their motion detectors), and then pop up and eliminate it. Then burrow again. After the war ended, the Helic Republic did its best to remove all of the Sleeper Guysacks, but a few still remain in the more remote parts of Europa and Delphoi, now attacking hapless passersby.

The only other thing the Guysack is recognized for is its remote relation to the Death Stinger, but the two Zoids don’t seem to be evolutionarily linked. Still, you never can be too careful: play nice with the Guysacks, or their big brother might just come and get you. (But probably not.)

AZ30mm Beam Rifle:
Like the good Scorpion it is, the Guysack’s deadliest (and only ranged weapon) is in its tail. The tail, you see, has an AZ30mm Beam Rifle, capable of firing 2 shots every second. However, it’s not capable of independent motion and is forced to point at whatever the tail points at. On the plus side, the rifle itself is sturdy, and a bit harder to damage than the rest of the Zoid. Also note that the Guysack’s AZ30mm Beam Rifle is not meant for use underground.

Hardened Alloy Pincers:
The Guysack, once again, is a scorpion, and has the pincers to prove it. They’re extremely large, and can be used for piercing, spearing, and crushing. They can also really put the squeeze on you -- even if you’re several times the Guysack’s weight, they’re dangerous. Also, they’re extremely thick and hefty, making them much harder to destroy than the rest of the Guysack. Note that the pincers are also used in the burrowing process.

Special Abilities:
The Guysack was one of the first effective burrowing Zoids every created, slightly moreso than the Garantula. It can burrow through sand at top speed (120 kph) and through loose dirt at 80 kph. The Guysack can only go at 40 kph through packed, rocky dirt, and can’t easily burrow through anything else. Note that sanctioned Zoid Battling regulations prevent the Guysack from remaining burrowed for more than 2 rounds. However, in the field, the Guysack can stay underground for much longer. Hours. Days. Monthes. Years.

Smoke Dischargers:
The two tubes behind the Guysack’s head are smoke dischargers. They help the Guysack run away or cover it while it burrows, but are otherwise fairly standard equipment. Note that the Guysack itself doesn’t have the equipment to see through its own smoke, and can’t.

Motion Detector:
The Guysack has a motion detector, usable only while burrowed. This motion detector allows it to sense any movement, such as that of Zoid, within 200 meters. It uses the large dish mounted to the Guysacks tail to sense vibration (and a uses a few other tricks), meaning that if the dish is destroyed, the ability is useless. Because of the nature of this device, it’s not easy to shield against -- even walking very slowly will set off the detector. Hovering will as well, but the reading will be far more sporadic. This isn't precision equipment, exactly, so the Guysack can’t really pinpoint enemies with it. But it gives a ballpark estimate of distance and direction of the motion, usually accurate to the nearest 5 degrees and 5 meters.

Available Modifications: