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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Minigun
Cost: $2,400
Weight: 1 Ton
Function: Supporting/Supplementary Firepower
Mounts On: All Level 1 and Level 2 Zoids(*2), and Heldigunner(*2), Shield Liger(*2), Zaber Fang(*2), King Liger(*2), Gul Tiger(*2), Gorhecks(*2), Warshark(*2)
Mount Location:
--On all bipedal Zoids, the Minigun(s) mount(s) ontop of either shoulder, facing forwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any number of Small-Bore Beam Cannons.
--On all quadrupedal Zoids, the Minigun(s) mount(s) to the side of either front hip, facing forwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any number of Small-Bore Beam Cannons.
--On all other Zoid designs (such as Molgas, Guysacks, and Garagantulas) the Minigun(s) mount(s) to either side of the main body of the Zoid, facing forwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any number of Small-Bore Beam Cannons.
In Brief: The Minigun is a simple 25mm gatling gun designed to give lower-level zoids a bit more firepower. All Zoids that can mount a single Minigun can mount two, but both must be purchased separately.

Weapon Type: Minigun
Ammunition: 25mm Full Metal Jacketed rounds
Rate of Fire: 20 rounds/second

Description: The Minigun is one of the oldest and most common modifications to be applied to Zoids, its development well predating the sport of Zoid Battling itself. Having been used for countless decades and centuries to increase the firepower of smaller and less advanced Zoids, this modification remains in wide use today, and is popular among Zoid Pilots as a cheap and reliable way to give their arsenals a little more of a punch.

The Minigun, though simple in design, has several obvious advantages. Firstly, its chaingun-like design allows it pump out as many as 20 25mm rounds every second, meaning that sustained fire from this weapon isn't to be underestimated by the less-well armored. Secondly, the simplicity and popularity of the component has made it cheap, and the design is tried-and-true tested, making it extremely reliable. Though the mount itself is always fixed in place, usually facing forwards, the Minigun's advantages still vastly outweigh its disadvantages. This has made it popular among both licensed Zoid Pilot and military organizations, and it can be commonly seen mounted onto -- often almost like an integral component of -- many Zoids.

Also note that for wiring reasons, one Minigun and one Small-Bore Pulse Cannon cannot be mounted on the same Zoid at the same time.