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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Mini Rocket Pack
Cost: $4,400
Weight: 2 Tons
Function: Heavy Ground-to-Ground Support
Mounts On: All Level 1 and Level 2 Zoids(*2), and Heldigunner(*2), Shield Liger(*2)King Liger(*2), Gul Tiger(*2), Gorhecks(*2) [Number of mountable pods expected to be revised.]
Mount Location:
--On all bipedal and quadrupedal Zoids, the MRP(s) mount(s) to the side of either front leg, and faces forwards. It cannot be used with SAM Pods or AGM Pods.
--On all other Zoid designs (such as Molgas, Guysacks, and Garagantulas) the MRP(s) mount(s) to either side of the main body of the Zoid, facing forwards. It cannot be used with SAM Pods or AGM Pods.
In Brief: The Mini Rocket Pack is a small 8-shot rocket pack that mounts to the same location as the Anti-Ground Missles and the Surface-to-Air Missiles. The pack only contains 2 tubes and has a 2 second reload time. All Zoids that can mount the pack can mount two, but both must be purchased separately.

Weapon Type: Rocket Launcher
Ammunition: 8 Dumbfire Explosive Projectiles
Rate of Fire: Pilot's Discretion to a Maximum of 2 Per Reload Cycle

Description: There are dozens, if not hundreds, of experienced pilots who have gone through their entire lives never hearing the phrase "lightweight missile alternative". Yet, this was exactly how the Mini Rocket Pack was described when it first came into production. Though humanity originally developed missiles as their primary means of destroying one another's Zoids, buildings, and other armored units, the obvious advantages of rockets couldn't be ignored forever. To run through the military argument for a moment, rockets are lighter and easier to transport, because they have a smaller warhead than your average missile, and lack bulky guidance systems and in-flight correctional ability. As a result, rockets also tend to be lighter still because of lessened fuel requirements, and faster for the same reason. Rockets also don't require locks, which eliminates the mental need to lock onto a target before firing, and can't be jammed by ECM and the like. Some say they force the pilot to stay more alert, as he or she's forced to concentrate on the target and think before pulling the trigger, and their dumbfire nature also lowers their production price.

The downsides are essentially just loss of tracking ability and explosive power (albeit, not that much explosive power. Standard rockets have roughly 75% as much as the standard missile.) So, a few centuries ago, world militaries began to introduce rocket pack modifications to the field of battle. As with all experiments, some worked better than others, and those others that were inadequate in the trench simply died out. Over time, the remaining pack designs were combined into one by the powers that be behind mass production and standardization, and the standard rocket and standard missile came to the fore. This modification, which is the pack to use the aforementioned standard rockets in battle, still has incorporated remnants of its military past, but remains a valuable tool and ally of Zoid pilots everywhere.

Firstly, each rocket pack is an 8-shot rocket pack, though it possesses only 2 tubes. Each tube is loaded when the battle begins, and the remaining six rockets are represented by 3 reloads in internal stores. After both rockets are fired out of the tubes, the pack will automatically reload from those internal stores. The tubes may, for whatever reason, be fired separately, but reloading will not being until both rockets have been fired. The reason for this, so said ancient militaries, is to not tempt pilots to fire their entire arsenal at once and foolishly squander ammuntion. The rockets themselves are dumbfire (and, as such, immune to ECM and the various types of suppression) and will quickly accelerate to a high rate of speed (faster than missiles in both acceleration and maximum speed, by the way). When they strike the target, they explode with 75% of the power of a standard missile, but will follow a straight line into oblivion and have no guidance to speak of. Each pack contains twice as many rockets as the standard missile pod, which has made rockets that "lightweight missile alternative" that I was talking about earlier.