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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Name: Assault Booster
Cost: $4,000
Weight: 6 Tons
Function: Speed Enhancement
Mounts On: All Terrestrial Zoids
Mount Location:
--On all bipedal Zoids, the Assault Booster boosters mount ontop of either hip, facing backwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any other EP Part.
--On all quadrupedal Zoids, the Assault Booster boosters mount ontop of either back hip, facing backwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any other EP Part.
--On all other Zoid designs (such as Molgas, Guysacks, and Garagantulas) the Assault Booster boosters mount to of either side of the Zoid, facing backwards. This modification may not be used in conjunction with any other EP Part.
In Brief: These small boosters offer a 20 kph boost in speed to the Zoid they mount to, without sacrificing maneuverability. This effect is cumulative with other boosters and speed enhancements.

Description: Though the Extra Potential parts line began with the E-Shield, it most certainly never stayed a one-piece line of products. Soon, the E-Shield was joined by the generalized version of the Attack Booster Unit: the Assault Booster. Though it did not benefit the Zoid by giving it additional firepower, the Assault Booster gives a potent little kick in speed to anything its mounted to. The result of the booster is a reliable 20 kph boost to speed. Also, thanks to a small number of vectored thrusters that come with the Assault Booster, this doesn't come at the price of maneuverability. Though the boost itself may seem humble, the amount of time necessary to close ground, or the kick while running away, or the extra energy in a ram can easily be the difference between victory and defeat. Furthermore, because this booster system provides a boost cumulative with other booster systems, it can be used to optomize maxiumum velocity on speed demons such as the Lighting Saix.

Be it noted, though, the Assault Booster isn't without drawbacks. The Assault Booster can't be used with any other Extra Potential Part thanks to energy consumption. On the plus side, the Assault Booster is also one of the only EP parts that can be removed after installation, meaning that buying it may not be the last of your business the Extra Potential corporation ever sees...