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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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What is Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero?

Introduction: Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero is an indepedent Zoids RPG Website established on Saturday, June 2, 2007. Though relatively new and small, Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero has been in development for quite a while, and already has a comprehensive list of Zoids and a structured forum. Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero is dedicated to providing a quality roleplaying experience, as well as combating judge bias and providing fair opportunities to everyone to show their skills as a pilot. Most of all, everyone is here to have fun, and we're here to make sure you do.

How We Operate: Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero is essentially text-based, and runs off of a Forum, where all of the fighting and roleplaying happens. Here, the main website, is where you can find most of the vital information about our roleplaying game as well as other pieces of information, links, and rules. Our battles either take place over a number of days in the Coliseum, which is on our forum site, or over a number of minutes or hours over AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Also, in case you're wondering, we're strictly non-profit and will never charge you a penny.

Getting Started: If you're new here and don't quite know what to do, then take a look around our Info Section for a bit, and maybe our Getting Started page. If you don't know what a Zoid is and you're totally new to the world of Zi, try starting with What is a Zoid? . If you've done all that, and you've also perhaps browsed our Zoid Database and you think you're ready to start, click on the Forum button in the side panel (or the word right here, which is linked) and off you'll go. Note that it's probably best if you familiarize yourself with the world and the backstory first, or you might just be thrown into the middle of a conflict you don't understand. Also, it's a great boon to have AIM while you're with Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero, but not a vital requirement.

Other RPG Sites: If you have experience with other RPG sites, Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero might be a little bit different. For example, Chaotic Age Zero is set in the middle of wartime, which other RPGs might not have had. You might be expected to fight outside the cockpit, on the ground, or you might have to think outside the box to figure out a way to win. Even though we're small, you have to work to get something in Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero. If you want an Organoid or a Zoid X, it won't happen in a matter of days, weeks, or maybe even months. Also, if you expect an easy ride, you're not going to get it. Your experience on other RPG Sites might impact your experience here in any number of ways, but you're still going to have to prove yourself.

Meet the Founders: The founders and owners of Zoids: Chaotic Age are myself, Halen, and Matthew "Fade" Korimeer (though he also goes by Alexander "Savage" Korimeer on the board.) We've been working on Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero for some time, and hope to continue doing so for quite a while. You can reach myself over AIM, at (yes, include the in my AIM SN.) Fade's SN is Chillwind2005. I can also be reached by e-mail at, the same as my AIM SN. Feel free to contact either of us if you have questions, comments, or concerns. Note that I manage the website, and we both work on the boards.