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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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What is a Zoid?

Introduction: On Zi, there exist a number of curious creatures called Organoids, which from time to time emerge to interact with Zoids and humans. Extremely lucky pilots may find themselves in possession (if it can be called that) of one of these creatures. This section contains all the various things you need to know about Organoids, including background information, and rules on getting 'em, roleplaying with 'em, and how they work on the battlefield.

A Wha...?: So, a little bit of background is in order. Organoids have been a legend for an extremely long time, their myth confirmably dating back to the days of the Guylos Empire. Throughout recorded Zian history, there have been sightings of so-called “mini-Zoids” standing among packs of their larger brethren, or occasionally interacting with them in seeming fantastical or implausible ways. For more than a century, following the collapse of separate governments and the formation of the Zoid Battle Commission, Organoid sightings inexplicably waned. The ZBC hypothesized that the stories of Organoids were merely urban legends, and that in a more globalized and unified society, people found it harder to make up such stories. They discarded the stories and moved on with their other million-and-one duties as a government.

The resurgence of war, and the onset of what has been called the “Second Chaotic Century”, also saw the appearance of Organoids. Scientists and top researchers believe that they know why, having finally been able to confirm the existence of and observe these creatures. Organoids seem to themselves be non-self propagating (or, at least, no Organoid has ever been observed propagating) but otherwise sentient and living Zoid-like constructs with human-like intelligence (though they cannot speak, and are limited to grunts and the like). Organoids seem to be composed entirely of nanites, which allows the creature to entirely dissolve its physical form.

This ability serves a second purpose. Organoids seem to be tasked with keeping the Zoid population stable and healthy, which might well have been their designed purpose. These constructs possess Core Tracking sensors, which allow them to monitor the Zoid population from afar. When the population dips, as it does in wartime, the Organoids emerge, and begin to help the Zoids propagate and reproduce.

The nanite nature of the Organoid also allows to create a cocoon around newly spawned Zoid Core and construct it a new body (the same body as its “parent” Zoid), using nearby metal sources (ore, discards on the ground, ferric particles in the air, whatever the nanites can find). After several days, the cocoon breaks, the Organoid reforms, and the full Zoid emerges. This same ability seems to allow them to modify existing Zoid designs (a process called “evolution”) and to merge with a Zoid. Organoids also seem to occasionally develop relationships with certain Zoids and certain people, just as people do.

I Wantz One: Organoids are extremely rare, and it is no less than a privilege to have gained the use or friendship of one. Organoids on Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero are only handed out extremely rarely, usually as prizes for major tournaments or other large contests. No one starts out with an Organoid. You'll have to work to get one. No one ever guarenteed that everyone on CAZ was going to get and Organoid, and not everyone on CAZ will get an Organoid. Also, having an Organoid is considered to be an extremely high privilege, and it is one of the only restrictions on free RP on the site. You may not roleplay with an Organoid or an Organoid Enhanced or Evolved Zoid unless you have it officially as well.

Now What?: Let's say that you've already gotten an Organoid. Almost everything after that is up to you. You get to pick what kind of Zoid it resembles, if any, what color it is, what it looks like... ect. It's alot lot being allowed to design a character though, because there are a few restrictions. Firstly, it should be noted that as a general rule, Organoids do not carry ranged weapons. They do not have beam, laser, thermic, or standard weapons, or any kinds of missiles, rockets, charged particle guns, or anything of that nature at all. All they have is what they're made out of. Now, if that involves your Organoid's body being covered entirely in spikes, so be it. No guns. Also, Organoids must conform to a certain size range: person-size at the most, and half-person sized at the least. Otherwise, what it looks like is up to you. And it really is like designing a character, because Organoids have personalities. You don't have to RP having won your Organoid in a tournament. You can create an interesting back story. You worked for it, after all.

What's In It For Me?: Well, Organoids have a variety of abilities, which usually increase as the Organoid gains experience. By the way, all Organoids have an experience count, which starts at a whopping zero, and increments by 1 for every battle that you're in that said Organoid watches or participates in. You need to state to the judge that your Organoid is watching a fight in order for it to gain experience. Anyway, here's a chart of what an Organoid can do for you in combat:

The Organoid is incapable of bonding to a Zoid. It requires more experience.
The Organoid can stay bonded to a Zoid for 2 rounds, giving coretracking ability, minor damage repair, and a 50% energy boost.
The number of rounds the Organoid can stay bonded increases to 5. The energy boost is still 50%.
The Organoid can stay bonded to a Zoid for 10 rounds. The energy boost is still 50%.
The Organoid can stay bonded to a Zoid indefinitely, and the energy boost increases above 50% as experience. The Organoid's own experience begins to synergistically enhance that of the pilot.

So, Organoids have a few abilities. Firstly, they have the ability to disassociate into their component nano-forms and "fuse" with a Zoid, which basically entails the Organoid spreading itself throughout the body of the Zoid, but concentrating itself around the Zoid Core. This phenomenon is referred to as "Organoid Enhancement" of a Zoid. This can create an energy boost for the Zoid, but the Organoid may tire (if it doesn't have enough experience) and unbond from the Zoid. What does it do while bonded to a Zoid, specifically? Let's get started with a list.

Well, all Organoids have core-tracking ability, which they use to keep track of Zoid populations above ground while they are in hiding or hibernation. When an Organoid fuses to a Zoid, these core-tracking sensors become available to Zoid and pilot, making it difficult for opponents to hide from an Organoid-Enhanced Zoid. This ability is always available as long as the Organoid is bonded to the Zoid, and is not dependent on experience.

Damage repair is another non-experience depedent attribute of Organoids. When Organoids bond to a Zoid, they will repair it to the best of their ability using surround ferric particles and other materials. While its bonded is really the only time that an Organoid has time to do this, as its abilities will be needed elsewhere as the battle continues. Therefore, this "healing" occurs on bonding. However, it is usually good enough to heal damage for about a step (ie: heavy becomes medium, medium becomes moderate, moderate becomes light). It's only a small advantage, but it can be significant.

What is dependent on experience is the energy boost. Up until 30 EXP, an Organoid merely increases the overall available energy of a Zoid by 50%. Above 30 EXP, this boost slowly increases as the amount of experience the Organoid accumulates, giving a bonded Zoid more and more power as the Organoid learns to manage reserves and direct current to systems that need it. But what does this energy boost do? This increase in power maps to a corresponding increase in speed (Exception: aerial Zoids, as their SCRAMjets do not rely on power for speed), energy weapon power (laser, beam, thermic, and charged melee), and even performance. Testing inside the Shield Ligers and other Zoids showed that E-Shields also benefit, gaining 50% (or above) strength for the entire boost period. Further observations of Organoid boosts in uncharged melee showed that the equipped Zoid seemed to be correspondingly stronger as well.

Lastly, there is the advantage of having the Organoid itself, which is alot like having a second pilot. Above 30 experience, an Organoid slowly begins to supplement the pilot's skills with its own, increases normally fundamental things like reaction time. This is one of the greatest boons that an Organoid offers, but, just as experience develops in a human, experience must also be given time to accrue inside one of these magnificant creatures.

Bailing Out: Organoids have the unique ability to bail pilots out of the cockpit of a Zoid (or anywhere else, really). The mechanics of this system aren't well-understood, but a Zoid somehow "takes the pilot with it" when it breaks into its component nanites and moves in or out of the Zoid. This is sometimes used by Organoids to put pilots into a cockpit while the Organoid bonds to a Zoid, but it is more often seen when the Zoid in question is CSFed and the Organoid evacuates its friend. Since a nanite-form Organoid moves as speeds close to that of light, and the presence of a pilot somehow doesn't slow it down, this is quite an efficient method of transportation. Specifics coming soon!

Evolution: Coming Soon!

(Here's a sneak-peak at the Evolution flow-chart, subject to revision.)

Shield Liger --> Blade Liger --> Liger Zero (UX)

Garius --> Gravity Saurer --> Geno Saurer --> Geno Breaker --> Berserk Fuhrer (UX)

Iguan --> Heldigunner --> Deadborder

Pteras --> Salamander --> Neo Gungyarados

Cannonfort --> Dibison

Elephantus --> Mammoth --> Elephander

Aro Saurer --> Godkaiser --> Gojulas

Guysack --> Revenge Trap --> Death Stinger

Gorhecks --> Gordos

Saber Lion --> King Liger --> King Baron

Zeek Dober --> Ice Blazer

Spinosapper --> Dark Spiner

Warshark --> Hammerhead

Command Wolf --> Konig Wolf

Hammer Rock --> Iron Kong

Rev Raptor --> Marder