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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Rewards and the Point System

Introduction: Whenever you participate in a sanctioned Zoid Battle, your points score is modified by the result. You also usually gain money. This section contains the table which details the various rewards, both in cash and points, that one can gain from sanctioned Zoid Battles. It also describes the Point System, which allows you to move up in rank and aspire to bigger and better things in the world. Note that absolutely everything in this section pertains only to sanctioned Zoid Battles. Battlemode 0999 battles and skirmishes do not effect points or rank. (Though they can sometimes effect money, but not by the rules listed here.)

You Won: So, you've won a sanctioned Zoid Battle. Congratulations. I suppose you'll want to reap the benefits of your labor. You take the entirety of the prize money, which is whatever the pilot put in plus what the government put in. There are two separate scenarios: either you were in a 1v1 battle, or a larger battle. In a 1v1 battle, you gain 1 point per victory, plus an additional point for every rank higher than you that your opponent was. You also gain $5,000, plus an additional $1,000 for each rank higher than you that your opponent was. If your opponent was a lower rank than you, you still get your 5k. However, you get only .5 points for defeating an opponent 1 rank lower than you, and none for beating one lower than that.

If the battle was larger than a 1v1 battle, the winning team gets $5,000 per participant, divided evenly among the victors (rounded to the nearest hundred), regardless of the ranks of the combatants. Each member of the winning side also gets 1 point for every opponent on all of the opposing sides put together. (IE: In a 2v2, each member of the winning side gets $10,000 and 2 points. In a 2v3, if the 3 won, each member would get $8,300 and 2 points. If the 2 won, each member would get $12,500 and 3 points. The winner of a 4-man Free-For-All would win himself 4 points and $20,000.) If the battle is a team battle (like the Blitz Team vs. the Tigers Team in New Century Zero), the winning team wins a number of points equal to that won by each of its members. (IE: In a 2v2 team battle, the winning team would get 2 team points.)

You Lost: So, you've lost a sanctioned Zoid Battle. Tough luck, train some more, and better luck next time. No matter your rank, you loose half a point. Half a point, .5 points, is the only penalty you take for loosing. You don't take any money penalties, except what you have to pay in repairs. If you were fighting a team battle, your team also looses a full 1 point. This makes the stakes overall-higher for a team, but loosing isn't always bad. Just remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Keep your chin up, and fight all the harder next time. Note that your points can never go into negative, even if you loose a battle (or several battles) when you have no points.

You Drew: So, you've drawn in a sanctioned Zoid Battle. You may have mixed feelings: you neither won nor lost. However, it wasn't a waste of your time. You get half of the prize money (rounded to the nearest hundred), with no hard feelings included. That means your point score neither goes up nor down. Once again, you may have mixed feelings about your victory. However, a little extra cash never hurt anyone.

Special Events: In the rare site-wide special events that occur within the realm of sanctioned Zoid Battling, nothing on this page may apply. For example, in a Special Event in which a number of pilots fought a Death Saurer, all of the pilots' repairs might be covered. Furthermore, no one might get prize money or points; the prize might be different altogether. Points might not apply either, because it might not have been a fair fight. Even who won and who lost might be switched around a little. Just remember, they're called "special events" for a reason.

The Ranks: There are 6 Ranks available to Zoid Pilots: E,D,C,B,A, and S, listed in ascending order. The more points you have, the higher your rank is. After winning a sanctioned battle, if your point total changes, your rank may as well. Since rank can ocassionally influence other things, its quite important to keep track of.

Rank S
81 points+
Rank A
61 to 80 points
Rank B
41 to 60 points
Rank C
21 to 40 points
Rank D
11 to 20 points
Rank E
0 to 10 points